Call Number (LC) Title Results
CRS-2001-DSP-0065 Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) Legislative Issues in the 106th Congress. 1
CRS-2001-DSP-0066 Social Security Raising or Eliminating the Taxable Earnings Base. 1
CRS-2001-DSP-0067 Federal Taxation of Student Aid Summary for Tax Year 2001. 1
CRS-2001-DSP-0068 Child Support Enforcement New Reforms and Potential Issues. 1
CRS-2001-DSP-0069 Child Support Enforcement New Reforms and Potential Issues. 1
CRS-2001-DSP-0070 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Full Funding of State Formula. 1
CRS-2001-DSP-0071 Ergonomics in the Workplace Is it Time for an OSHA Standard? 1
CRS-2001-DSP-0072 Welfare Reform TANF Trends and Data. 1
CRS-2001-DSP-0073 AIDS Ryan White CARE Act. 1
CRS-2001-DSP-0074 E-Rate for Schools Background on Telecommunications Discounts Through the Universal Service Fund. 1
CRS-2001-DSP-0075 Social Security Proposed Changes to the Earnings Test. 1
CRS-2001-DSP-0076 Child Care Issues in the 106th Congress 1
CRS-2001-DSP-0077 Veterans Issues in the 106th Congress 1
CRS-2001-DSP-0078 21st Century Community Learning Centers An Overview of the Program and Analysis of Reauthorization Issues. 1
CRS-2001-DSP-0079 Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Program Background and Context. 1
CRS-2001-DSP-0080 Education for the Disadvantaged ESEA Title I Allocation Formula Provisions. 1
CRS-2001-DSP-0081 Appropriations for FY2001 Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education. 1
CRS-2001-DSP-0082 Computer Services Personnel Overtime Pay Under the Fair Labor Standards Act. 1
CRS-2001-DSP-0083 Health Information Standards, Privacy, and Security HIPAA's Administrative Simplification Regulations. 1
CRS-2001-DSP-0084 Juvenile Justice Legislation Overview and the Legislative Debate. 1