Call Number (LC) Title Results
CRS-1997-GOV-0049 Speaker of the House 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0050 Congressional Campaign Spending 1976-1996. 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0051 Black Members of the U.S. Congress 1789-1997. 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0052 Civil Rights Protection in the U.S Brief Summaries of Constitutional Amendments, Federal Laws, and Executive Orders. 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0053 Continuing Appropriations Acts Brief Overview of Recent Practices. 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0054 Out-of-State Money in the Congressional Elections of 1992, 1994, and 1996 Trends and Policy Issues. 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0055 Fiscal Year 1998 Continuing Resolutions 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0056 Ratifications of Amendments to the U.S. Constitution 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0057 Congressional Primary Dates, 1998 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0058 Congressional Oversight 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0059 Business and Labor Spending in U.S. Elections 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0060 Fast Track for Trade Agreements Procedural Controls for Congress and Proposed Alternatives. 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0061 House and Senate Vacancies How are They Filled? 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0062 Salaries of Members of Congress Payable Rates and Effective Dates, 1789-1998. 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0063 Campaign Financing Highlights and Chronology of Current Federal Law. 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0064 House Rules and Precedents Affecting Committee Markup Procedures 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0065 Congressional Districts How to Compile Histories of Their Composition and Representation. 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0066 Line Item Veto Act of 1996 Impact on Authorizing Committees. 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0067 House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct A Brief History of Its Evolution and Jurisdiction. 1
CRS-1997-GOV-0068 Salaries of Members of Congress Current Procedures and Recent Adjustments. 1