CIS 75 S542-19
Health Manpower Legislation, 1975 Comparison of Legislative Proposals. |
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CIS 75 S582-2
Report on nutrition and food availability |
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CIS 75 S582-3
Compilation of the National school lunch act and the Child nutrition act of 1966 with related provisions of law and authorities for commodities distribution / |
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CIS 75 S582-5 (pt.1)
Report on nutrition and special groups |
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CIS 75 S582-6
Index to publications on nutrition and human needs, 93d Congress |
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CIS 75 S582-7 (app.)
Report on nutrition and special groups |
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CIS 75 S582-8
School food program needs, 1975 State school food service director's response : a working paper / |
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CIS 75 S582-12
Summary of Program Evaluation |
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CIS 75 S622-3
Explanation of the Postal reorganization act and selected background material |
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CIS 75 S642-1
A legislative history of the Noise control act of 1972 together with a section-by-section index / |
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CIS 75 S642-3
Automobile emission control, the technical status and outlook as of December 1974 a report to the Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency / |
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CIS 75 S642-4
Air quality and stationary source emission control a report / |
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CIS 75 S642-5
Report to the Senate Committee on the Budget Pursuant to Section 301 (c) of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974. |
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CIS 75 S642-8
Summary of Legislative Activities and Accomplishments of the Committee on Public Works for the 93d Congress |
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CIS 75 S642-9
The status of environmental economics a report / |
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CIS 75 S682-1
Senate cloture rule |
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CIS 75 S682-2
Federal election campaign laws |
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CIS 75 S682-4
Microform system characteristics and potential Senate applications |
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CIS 75 S683-7
Providing for the Appointment of a Joint Committee on Arrangements for the Commemoration of the Bicentennial of the U.S.A report (to accompany S. Con. Res. 44) |
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CIS 75 S683-8
Extending the Authorization for the Federal Election Commission report (to accompany S. 1434) |
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