Call Number (LC) Title Results
CB430 .P36 Los lunáticos : el populismo en la cultura. 1
CB430 .P38 2022 'Pataphysics unrolled / 1
CB430 . P46 2000 Phenomenological approaches to popular culture / 1
CB430 .P46 2000 Phenomenological approaches to popular culture / 1
CB430 .P58 1985 Contra la modernidad / 1
CB430 .P6155 2019 Politics of scale : new directions in critical heritage studies / 1
CB430 .P637 1999 Building a bridge to the 18th century : how the past can improve our future / 1
CB430 .P64 1989 Postmodernism / 1
CB430 .P667 2011 Démocraties en Péril Déclin de L'Occident. 1
CB430 .R24 1996 Essays on the anthropology of reason / 2
CB430 .R27 2009 The challenge of Eurocentrism global perspectives, policy, and prospects /
The challenge of Eurocentrism : global perspectives, policy, and prospects /
CB430 .R36 1996 Reading the shape of the world : toward an international cultural studies / 1
CB430 .R37 2013 Beyond civilization : society, culture, and the individual in the age of globalization / 1
CB430 .R682 2020 L'avenir des simples / 1
CB430 .R84 1973 Directives for new life / 1
CB430 .R85 2018 Ruin porn and the obsession with decay / 1
CB430 .S425 1993 Secret and suppressed : banned ideas & hidden history / 2
CB430 .S438 2000 Dialogue of civilizations : an introduction to civilizational analysis / 1
CB430 .S44 1998 From illusion to delusion : globalization and the contradictions of late modernity / 1
CB430 .S45 2001 Mona Lisa's moustache : making sense of a dissolving world / 1