Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
C 55.352:94-12 | Estimation of standardized otter trawl effort, landings per unit effort, and landings at age for Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank cod | 1 |
C 55.352:95-11 | Water-column thermal structure in the Middle Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine for 1993 and 1994 | 1 |
C 55.352:96-04 | Update on abundance of Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy harbor porpoises | 1 |
C 55.352:97-01 | Preliminary results of a spatial and temporal analysis of Haddock distribution applying a generalized additive model / | 1 |
C 55.352:B 99/ | Estimates of cetacean and pinniped bycatch in the ... Northeast sink gillnet and Mid-Atlantic coastal gillnet fisheries / | 1 |
C 55.352:D 63/ | A brief description of Greater Atlantic Region fish and invertebrate discard estimation for the ... update to the National Bycatch Report. | 1 |
C 55.352:G 91/ | Operational assessment of ... northeast groundfish stocks, updated through ... / | 1 |
C 55.352:IN 5/ | Serious injury determinations for small cetaceans and pinnipeds caught in commercial fisheries off the Northeast U.S. coast. | 1 |
C 55.353: | USCG vessels. | 1 |
C 55.354: | Voices oral history archives. | 1 |
C 55.354:HANDBOOK | Voices from the fisheries handbook preserving local fisheries knowledge, linking generations, and improving environmental literacy / | 1 |
C 55.355: | NOAA Fisheries image gallery. | 1 |
C 55.356: | Aquaculture video gallery | 1 |
C 55.357: |
Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program : ... report to Congress. Report to Congress on the implementation of the Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program. |
2 |
C 55.358: |
Biennial report to Congress on the recovery program for threatened and endangered species / Endangered Species Act biennial report, status of recovery program. Recovering threatened and endangered species : report to Congress. |
3 |
C 55.358/2:AT 7/ | Species in the spotlight, priority actions. | 1 |
C 55.358/2:B 41/ | Species in the spotlight, priority actions. | 1 |
C 55.358/2:C 44/ | Species in the spotlight, priority actions. | 1 |
C 55.358/2:C 66/ | Species in the spotlight, priority actions. | 1 |
C 55.358/2:K 55/ | Species in the spotlight, priority actions. | 1 |