Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 41.22:T/21682-21685 Selected articles from "Veterinarski arhiv", No. 22, 26 and 28. 1
C 41.22:T/21687 Tests on the control of foul-brood = (Ogledi sa suzbijanjem truleži pčelinjeg legla) / 1
C 41.22:T/21688 The importance of apple and plum ermine moth parasites in reducing the population of these important insect pests in Bosnia and Herzegòvinà = Znaĕaj parazita jabukinog i s̆ljivinog moljca u smanjenju populacije ovih văznih stetocina u Bosni i Hercehovini / 1
C 41.22:T/21689 Study of polyploidy induced by colchicine / 1
C 41.22:T/21690 The use of colchicine method for solution of causal morphological problems / 1
C 41.22:T/21691 Flower, fertilization and fertility biology of the apple tree = (Biologija cvetja, oplodbe in rodnosti pri jablani) / 1
C 41.22:T/21692 Maturation of winter wheat grains after the harvest = (Dozrevanje zrna ozime ps̆enice posle zĕtve.) / 1
C 41.22:T/21693 A contribution to the study of indigenous populations of common wheat (Triticum vulgare Vill.) in P.R. Bosnia and Hercegovina = (Prilog proučavanju autohtonih populacija obične pšenice u N.R. Bosni i Hercegovini) / 1
C 41.22:T/21694 Black pigmentation of wheat spikes and its effect on the vegetative and biological characteristics of certain lines = Crna pigmentacija klasova obične pšenice i njen uticaj na vegetativne i biološke pojedinih rasa / 1
C 41.22:T/21695 A contribution to the investigation of the calcium cyanamide effect on the red clover germination and the development of horse thistle = Prilog proučavanju uticaja kalcium cijanamida na klijavost crvene deteline i razviće palamide / 1
C 41.22:T/21697 The inheritance of some quantitative characters in winter barley = (Nasledjivanje nekih kvantitativnih svojstava kod ozimog ječma) / 1
C 41.22:T/21698 Cereal production and yields on peasant work co-operatives in 1951 = (Prinos belih žitarica u seljačkim radnim zadrugama u 1951) / 1
C 41.22:T/21700 The fixation of phosphoric acid in the principal types of soil in Serbia = (Vezivanje fosforne kiseline u glavnim tipovima zemljišta Srbije) / 1
C 41.22:T/21703 Graphic method for the determination of stresses in soil = (Grafička metoda za određivanje napona u zemljištu) / 1
C 41.22:T/21706 Soil changes under shelterbelts in the conditions of the Caspian Lowland = (Izmenenie pochv pod lesnymi nasazhdeniyami v ysloviyakh Prikaspiĭskoĭ nizmennosti) /
The bearing capacity of spread foundations on sandy soils and the security factor of spread foundations = (O nosivosti običnih fundiranja na peskovitom tlu i koeficijent sigurnosti pri običnom fundiranju) /
C 41.22:T/21707 The buckling of arches with hinged ends = (Stabilnost luka sa zavojitim krajevima) / 1
C 41.22:T/21713 The fluctuation of temperature in the open waters of the Adriatic = (Kolebanje temperature vode otvorenog Jadrana) / 1
C 41.22:T/21829 Seepage through foundations of earth dams (Fil'tratsiya cherez osnovaniya zemlyanykh plotin) / 1
C 41.22:T/21831 Soils of the Caspian lowland / 1
C 41.22:T/21832 A new scheme of a general soil classification for the USSR = (Novaya skhema obshche i klassifikatsii pochv SSSR) / 1