C 41.22:T/21637
Some older and newer treatises on Pančić's Serbian spruce. : Neke starije i novije rasprave o Pančićevoj omorici / |
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C 41.22:T/21638
Some structural characteristics of double (false) growth rings = (O nekim karakteristikama građe dvostrukih -lažnih- prstenova prirasta) / |
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C 41.22:T/21639
Growth ring width as a factor in the quality of Fraxinus angustifolia wood / |
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C 41.22:T/21640
Problem of mycorrhiza research in forestry = (Problem istraživanja mikoriza u šumarstvu) / |
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C 41.22:T/21642, 21649, 21652
Works of the Hydrotechnical Institute "Eng. Jaroslav Cerni" selected articles from "Saopstenja" no. 1, 3, and 5 / |
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C 41.22:T/21644, 21654, 21656
Works of the Hydrotechnical Institute "Eng. Jaroslav Cerni" selected articles from "Zbornik radova" no. 5 and "Saopstenja" no. 8 / |
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C 41.22:T/21647
Electrical apparatus for measuring variable hydraulic pressures = (Električni uredaj za merenje promenljivih hidrauličkih pritisaka) / |
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C 41.22:T/21650
The influence of high water and river bed instability on the determination of water balance = (Uticaj povodnja na nestabilnost korita pri odredjivanju balansa voda) / |
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C 41.22:T/21653
Investigations on the distribution of some physical properties of wood in the stem of the narrow-leaved and common ash : (Istraživanja o rasporedu nekih fizičkih svojstava drveta u deblu poljskog i običnog jasena) / |
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C 41.22:T/21655
Testing mechanical features of rocks : Translated from Serbo-Croatian / |
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C 41.22:T/21657
Segmental squares; linings of pressure tunnels in anisotropic mountain massives : Segmentni kvadrati; obloge hidrotehničkih tunela pod pritiskom u anizotropskim brdskim masivima / |
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C 41.22:T/21662
The action of abiotic factors on gypsy moth population in the forest Jakovacčki ključ in 1958 = Dejstvo abiotičkih činilaca na populaciju gubara u šumi Jakovačkai Ključ 1958 g. / |
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C 41.22:T/21676
Primary particles in the podzolic soils = Primarne čestice u podzolastim zemljištima / |
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C 41.22:T/21677
A view on the genesis of terra rossa = (Jedno gledište o genezi crvenice) / |
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C 41.22:T/21679
The control of the cherry-fruit fly on the coat [sic] of Slovenia = (Suzbijanje muhe trešnjarice u Slovenskom Primorju) ; [and], Investigations on the cherry-fruit fly in Dalmatia (Ispitivanja muhe tresnjarice u Dalmaciji) / |
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C 41.22:T/21681
The biology of the codling moth (Carpocapsa pomonella L.) as the basis for its control : Jabūcni smotavac (Carpocapsa pomonella L.) biologija koa osnova za njegovo suzbijanze. Translation from Serbo-Croatian / |
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C 41.22:T/21682-21685
Selected articles from "Veterinarski arhiv", No. 22, 26 and 28. |
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C 41.22:T/21687
Tests on the control of foul-brood = (Ogledi sa suzbijanjem truleži pčelinjeg legla) / |
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C 41.22:T/21688
The importance of apple and plum ermine moth parasites in reducing the population of these important insect pests in Bosnia and Herzegòvinà = Znaĕaj parazita jabukinog i s̆ljivinog moljca u smanjenju populacije ovih văznih stetocina u Bosni i Hercehovini / |
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C 41.22:T/21689
Study of polyploidy induced by colchicine / |
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