BX485 .R33 2014
The gift and its wages : the land of Israel and the Jewish people in the spritual life of medieval Russia. / |
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BX485 .S7
Holy Russia / |
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BX485 .T45 1987
Understanding Russia : the holy fool in Russian culture / |
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BX485 .T5
Pravoslavie. |
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BX485 .Z4
The Russians and their church / |
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Depicting Orthodoxy in the Russian Middle Ages : the Novgorod icon of Sophia, the divine wisdom / |
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BX488 .B67 1986
Russka︠i︡a ︠t︡serkovʹ v politicheskoĭ borʹbe XIV - XV vekov / |
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BX488 .K75 2022
Depicting Orthodoxy in the Russian Middle Ages : the Novgorod icon of Sophia, the divine wisdom / |
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BX489 .B87 1992
Religion and society in Russia : the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries / |
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BX489 .R87 1986
Russkiĭ feodalʹnyĭ arkhiv : XIV-pervoĭ treti XVI veka / |
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BX490 .G3
Tserkovʹ i feodalizm na Rusi. |
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BX490 .G78 2012
Orthodox Russia in crisis : church and nation in the Time of Troubles / |
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BX490 .K3 1968
Kharakterʺ otnoshenīĭ Rossīi kʺ pravoslavnomu vostoku vʺ XVI i XVII stol︠i︡etī︠i︡a / |
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BX490 .K43
Malorossīĭskoe vlī︠i︡anīe na velikorussku︠i︡u ︠t︡serkovnu︠i︡u zhiznʹ / |
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BX490 .K48
Malorossīĭskoe vlī︠i︡anīe na velikorussku︠i︡u ︠t︡serkovnu︠i︡u zhiznʹ / |
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BX490 .N38
Car und Selbstherrscher : Beiträge zur Geschichte der Autokratie in Russland. |
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BX490 .N55 2010eb
The replies of the humble Nicon by the mercy of God Patriarch : against the questions of the Boyar Simeon Streshneff and the answers of the Metropolitan of Gaza, Paisius Ligarides / |
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BX490 .O77 1893a
De︠i︡ani︠i︡a Moskovskikh soborov, 1666 i 1667 godov : pod red. N. Subbotina. The acts of the Moscow Councils of the years 1666 and 1667 / |
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BX490 .O77 1893ab
D︠i︡e︠i︡ani︠i︡a Moskovskikh soborōv 1666 i 1667 godōv / |
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BX490 .S45 1985
Two Orthodox Ukrainian churchmen of the early eighteenth century : Teofan Prokopovych and Stefan Iavors'kyi / |
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