Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX4705.I342 R355 2008 Ibas von Edessa : Rekonstruktion einer Biographie und dogmatischen Position zwischen den Fronten / 1
BX4705.I54 Alberto Iniesta 1
BX4705.I55 R4 1988 Innitzer : Kardinal zwischen Hitler und Rom / 1
BX4705.I7 M67 The life of Archbishop John Ireland. 1
BX4705.I7 O48 1988 John Ireland and the American Catholic Church / 1
BX4705.I73 M3 The golden chain : a study in the theological anthropology of Isaac of Stella / 1
BX4705.I75 S3 2013 Vida de la venerable madre Isabel de la Encarnación / 1
BX4705.I79 A25 2013 The rules of Isabelle of France : an English translation with introductory study / 1
BX4705.I79 A38 2003 The writings of Agnes of Harcourt : the life of Isabelle of France & the letter on Louis IX and Longchamp / 1
BX4705.I79 F54 2006 Isabelle of France : Capetian sanctity and Franciscan identity in the thirteenth century / 1
BX4705.I793 P45 2018 Cardinal Isidore (c. 1390-1462) : a late Byzantine scholar, warlord, and prelate / 1
BX4705.J2615 S26 1999 Sermón fúnebre : primer impreso oaxaqueño. 1
BX4705.J2617 A3 2007 Forever and ever, amen : becoming a nun in the sixties / 1
BX4705.J265 S34 2007 Selig die keine Gewalt anwenden : das Zeugnis des Franz Jägerstätter / 1
BX4705.J28 A39 1988 Jacopo da Varagine : tra santi e mercanti / 1
BX4705.J28 E67 2016 The talents of Jacopo da Varagine : a Genoese mind in medieval Europe / 1
BX4705.J28 R5 Materials for a life of Jacopo da Varagine. 1
BX4705.J282 M47 1976 Iacobus Carthusiensis : Unters. zur Rezeption d. Werke d. Kartäusers Jakob von Paradies : (1381-1465) / 1
BX4705.J29 A44 1960 Lettres de Jacques de Vitry : 1160/1170-1240, évêque de Saint-Jean d'Acre / 1
BX4705.J3197 A3 2002 A mind's matter : an intellectual autobiography / 1