Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX1754 .L78 And yet so new. 1
BX1754 .L8 1937 Within that city / 1
BX1754 .M57 Mind if I differ? : A Catholic-Unitarian dialogue / 1
BX1754 .M67 God is a new language. 1
BX1754 .O23 2008eb Catholicism : a very short introduction / 1
BX1754 .O23 2017 Catholicism : a very short introduction / 1
BX1754 .P33 The letters of pope Celestine VI to all mankind / 1
BX1754 .P5214 Je crois en Dieu : un catéchisme pour adultes / 1
BX1754 .R38 2006 Being Catholic in a culture of choice / 1
BX1754 .S553 Theology for beginners. 1
BX1754 .T35 1998 Theology : the story of God's love / 1
BX1754 .W29 This is Catholicism. 1
BX1754 .W45 2017eb The light of Christ : an introduction to Catholicism / 1
BX1754 .W47 1996 Christ among us : a modern presentation of the Catholic faith for adults / 1
BX1754 ebook Isabel del Castillo Arista : el don de saber estar /
La cosa y otros artículos de fe /
BX1754.3 Flawed Institution-Flawless Church : a Response to Pope John Paul's Appeal for a Critical Self-Evaluation of the Church. 1
BX1754.3 .M23 1987b Mother Angelica's answers, not promises / 2
BX1754.3 .M64 Lucerna fidelium, seu, Fasciculus decerptus ab authoribus magis versatis, qui tractarunt de doctrina Christiana divisus in tres partes ... / 1
BX1754.3 .S3413 1983 God is new each moment / 1
BX1754.3 .T87 1684 An abridgment of Christian doctrin. With proofs of Scripture for points controverted catechistically explain'd, by way of question and answer.
An abridgment of Christian doctrin with proofs of Scripture for points controverted, catechistically explained, by way of questiou [sic] and answer.