Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BV90 .L36 | The Lama-sabachthani, or, Cry of the Son of God useful at all times, especially for Passion Week .. | 1 |
BV90.L36 1700 | The lama sabacthani, or, Cry of the Son of God: set forth in all his agonies, with his crown of thorns on his head, and his crucifiction bewteen two thieves. All done to the life. Useful at all times, especially passion week for a devout and pious soul in its nearest approaches and addresses to its saviour before and after it comes to be an actual partaker of the body and blood of its redeemer in the blessed sacrament. Together with the death of Pilate to which is added some serious reflections and animadversions concerning the body, soul and resurrection with pertinent meditations and contemplations upon death, and a prayer against sudden death. | 1 |
BV90 .M64 2020 | From Easter to Holy Week : the paschal mystery and liturgical renewal in the twentieth century / | 1 |
BV90 .O7 1948 | Semana Santa en Sevilla / | 1 |
BV90 .X5 | Semana Santa cabocla. | 1 |
BV90 ebook |
Vayamos más allá : Semana Santa, ciclo B / Entregados : Semana Santa : ciclo A del 2 al 9 abril de 2023. |
2 |
BV91 .H37 2019 | Christ on a donkey : Palm Sunday, triumphal entries, and blasphemous pageants / | 2 |
BV91 .J3313 2008 | Jacob of Sarug's Homily on Palm Sunday / | 1 |
BV95 .M37 | Siempre es Viernes Santo. | 1 |
BV95 .P54 2016 | Ritual : Good Friday in Toronto's Italian immigrant community, 1969-2016 / | 1 |
BV95 .S63 1800 |
How shall I spend Good Friday? Is this day "good" for me? a tract for Good Friday. |
2 |
BV95 .S82 | The day of salvation, or, A homily upon the bloody sacrifice of Christ, or his death and passion written, and intended onely for private meditation of a most noble and vertuous lady, on Good-Friday last, but since thought worthy the publique view / | 1 |
BV95 .T73 1992 | The River Pierce : sacrifice II, 13.4.90 : a document of the collaborative action / | 1 |
BV102 .E53 1692 | At the Court at Whitehall the tenth of October, 1692. Present, the Queens most excellent Majesty in Council. | 1 |
BV102.G7 (INTERNET) | The Quenes hyghnes vpon many great considerations for the benfyte of her common weale, dothe wyyll and straigtlye commaund al maner of persons of what condition soeuer they be ... to absteyne form kyllyng, dressyng, or eatyng of anye fleshe, vpon all such vsuall fastynge dayes ... | 1 |
BV107 .G72 | The scripture-history of the Sabbath | 2 |
BV109 .A3 | Concerning the observation of the First Day to be kept above any other day, which is the world's old idol, wherein they satisfie their lusts in pride and idleness. | 1 |
BV109 .A86 | The abrogation of the Jewish Sabbath, or, Sabbath of the 7th day of the week together with some brief observations upon two small treatises, 1. The unchangeable morality of the 7th day sabbath written by J.S., 2. The morality of the fourth commandment : in prosecution whereof sundry Scriptures are opened and cleered / | 2 |
BV109 .B34 1607 | Carpenters chippes, or, Simple tokens of vnfeined good will | 1 |
BV109 .B47 | A threefold treatise of the Sabbath distinctly divided into the patriarchall, mosaicall, Christian Sabbath : for the better clearing and manifestation of the truth ... / | 2 |