Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV5091.S7 S740 2001 Stigmates / 1
BV5091.S7 W55 1989 Stigmata : an investigation into the mysterious appearance of Christ's wounds in hundreds of people from Medieval Italy to modern America / 2
La luz que fluye de la divinidad.
BV5091.V6 A33 2007 Visions in late medieval England : lay spirituality and sacred glimpses of the hidden worlds of faith / 1
BV5091.V6 A33 2007eb Visions in late medieval England : lay spirituality and sacred glimpses of the hidden worlds of faith / 1
BV5091.V6 B45 Die Vision : Erfahrungsformen und Bilderwelt. 1
BV5091.V6 C48 Apparitions in late Medieval and Renaissance Spain / 1
BV5091.V6 .C74 XVI revelations of divine love shewed to a devout servant of our Lord called Mother Juliana, an anchorete of Norwich, who lived in the dayes of King Edward the Third / 2
BV5091.V6 E49 Liber viarum Dei 1
BV5091.V6 (INTERNET) The prologe of this reuelation 1
BV5091.V6 J64 2015 Liber florum celestis doctrine = The flowers of heavenly teaching / 1
BV5091.V6 M34 1990 Mechthild von Magdeburg, "Das fliessende Licht der Gottheit" : Nach der Einsiedler Handschrift in kritischem Vergleich mit gesamten Überlieferung / 1
BV5091.V6 M43413 1998 The flowing light of the Godhead / 1
BV5091.V6 M434213 2003 Mechthild of Magdeburg : selections from The flowing light of the Godhead / 1
BV5091.V6 M44 Englands warning, that is three remarkable visions of Stephen Melish, an inhabitant of Breslaw, the chief city of Silesia 2
BV5091.V6 O84 1989 Liber visionum / 1
BV5091.V6 P48 2013 Peter of Cornwall's Book of revelations / 1
BV5091.V6 W54 1996 Ecstatic transformation : transpersonal psychology in the work of Mechthild of Magdeburg / 1
BV5095.A1 Weavers of wisdom : women of the twentieth century / 2
BV5095.A1 B67 2013 African American female mysticism : nineteenth-century religious activism / 2