Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV5091.C7 R5 1960 Benjamin Minor / 1
BV5091.C7 R565 2014 Richard of St. Victor's Theory of Imagination. 1
BV5091.C7 R6 1984 The experience of no-self : a contemplative journey / 1
BV5091.C7 R6 1993eb The experience of no-self : a contemplative journey / 1
BV5091.C7 R62 2001 Nobility and annihilation in Marguerite Porete's Mirror of simple souls / 1
BV5091.C7 R62 2001eb Nobility and annihilation in Marguerite Porete's Mirror of simple souls / 1
BV5091.C7 R65 2004 The shattered lantern : rediscovering a felt presence of God / 1
BV5091.C7 S47 1996 Seeds of peace : contemplation and nonviolence /
Seeds of peace : contemplation and non-violence /
BV5091.C7 S48 1987 Thomas Merton's dark path / 1
BV5091.C7S48 2000 Thomas Merton's Paradise Journey : Writings on Contemplation. 1
BV5091.C7 V36 2021 Thomas Aquinas and contemplation / 1
BV5091.C7W565 2010 Our Sound Is Our Wound : Contemplative Listening to a Noisy World. 1
BV5091.E3 E94 2019 Ecstasy in the classroom : trance, self, and the academic profession in medieval Paris / 2
BV5091.R4 C35 2003 Women who hear voices : the challenge of religious experience / 2
BV5091.R4 E54 The new Jerusalem at hand 2
BV5091.R4 F57 The wise virgin, or, A wonderful narration of the various dispensations of God towards a childe of eleven years of age wherein, as his severity hath appeared in afflicting, so also his goodness both in enabling her (when stricken dumb, deaf, and blinde, through the prevalency of her disease) at several times to utter many glorious truths, concerning Christ, faith, and other subjects, and also in recovering her without the use of any external means, least the glory should be given to any other : to the wonderment of many that came far and near to see and hear her : with some observations in the fourth year since her recovery : shee is the daughter of Mr. Anthony Hatfield ... her name is Martha Hatfield /
The wise virgin, or, A wonderfull narration of the hand of God wherein his severity and goodnesse hath appeared in afflicting a childe of eleven years of age, when stricken dumb, deaf and blinde through the prevalence of her disease, yet upon her wonderfull recovery was heard at severall times to utter many glorious truths concerning Christ, faith, and other subjects : to the wonderment of many that came far and neer to see and hear her /
The wise virgin, or, A wonderful narration of the various dispensations of God towards a childe of eleven years of age wherein, as his severity hath appeared in afflicting, so also his goodness both in enabling her (when stricken dumb, deaf, and blinde, through the prevalency of her disease) at several times to utter many glorious truths, concerning Christ, faith, and other subjects, and also in recovering her without the use of any external means, least the glory should be given to any other : to the wonderment of many that came far and near to see and hear her : with some observations in the fourth year since her recovery : shee is the daughter of Mr. Anthony Hatfield ... her name is Martha Hatfield /
BV5091.R4 G52 The prophecy of Gnatus a Brittish prophet: 1
BV5091.R4 (INTERNET) The Enochian walks with God found out by a spiritual-traveller, whose face towards Mount-Sion above was set ... : with an experimental account of what was known, seen, and met withal there, as to an essay to a further revelation of an immense and infinite latitude of God's love ... /
The wonderfull worke of God shewed vpon a chylde whose name is William Withers, being in the towne of Walsam, within the countie of Suffolke : who being eleven yeeres of age, laye in a traunce the space of tenne dayes, without taking any manner of sustenance, and at this present lyeth, and neuer speaketh, but once in twelue, or four and twentie houres, and when he commeth to himselfe, he declareth most straunge and rare thinges, which are to come, and hath continued the space of three weeks.
BV5091.R4 J35 A wonderful prophesie declared by Christian James, a maid of twenty years of age (late daughter to Daniel James) ... with a true relation of her behaviour, both in her life-time, and at the hour of her death; worthy to be had in perpetual memory. To the tune of In summertime.
A vvonderful prophesie
BV5091.R4 K47 2006 Books under suspicion : censorship and tolerance of revelatory writing in late medieval England / 2