Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4818 .D465 2019 Middle English devotional compilations : composing imaginative variations in late Medieval England / 1
BV4818 .H64 1998 Heinrich Toke und der Wolfenbütteler "Rapularius" / 1
BV4818 (INTERNET) A monomachie of motiues in the mind of man, or, A battell betweene vertues and vices of contrarie qualitie Wherein the imperfections and weaknesses of nature appeare so naked, that anie reasonable soule may soone see by what spirit he is lead: herevnto also, besides sundrie deuout praiers necessarilie interlaced, diuers golden sentences of S. Barnard are annexed: and also a briefe conclusion of his vpon this theame, that victorie is obtained by resisting temptation. Newlie englished by Abraham Fleming. 1
BV4818 .M36 2006 Understanding the medieval meditative ascent : Augustine, Anselm, Boethius, & Dante / 1
BV4818 .M38 2010 Affective meditation and the invention of medieval compassion / 1
BV4818 .M38 2010eb Affective meditation and the invention of medieval compassion / 2
BV4818 .P66 The modern devotion. : Confrontation with reformation and humanism / 1
BV4818 .S36 Popular religion : inspirational books in America / 1
BV4818 .S55 Spiritual writers of the Middle Ages. 1
BV4818 .W483 Tudor books of saints and martyrs. 1
BV4820 .A1 1501a Liber de imitat[i]o[n]e Christi cum tractatu de meditatione cordis. 1
BV4820 .A1 1685 De Christo imitando contemnendisque mundi vanitatibus libellus / 2
BV4820 .A1 1688 De Christo imitando, contemnendisque mundi vanitatibus libellus / 1
BV4820 .F47 Johannis Baptista Ferrari, Senensis, Orationes quibus, accessere Pleiades, sive, Orationes septem varii argumenti. 2
BV4820 .F47 1657 Orationes quibis accessere Pleiades, sive, Orationes septem varii argumenti / 2
BV4820 .L8 1982 De imitatione Christi libri quatuor / 1
BV4820 .S854 1500x Summe sacerdos [et] uere po[n]tifex, qui te obtulisti deo p[at]ri hostia[m] pura[m et] immaculata[m] in ara crucis. pro nob[is] mis[er]is p[e]c[ca]torib[us] ... 1
BV4820 .T46 1688 De Christo imitando contemnendisque mundi vanitatibus libellus / 2
BV4820 ebook Jesús, aquel hombre de pueblo : materiales para la iniciación en el conocimiento de Jesús, hombre de pueblo, hijo amado de Dios / 1
BV4821 La imitación de Cristo
A devout treatise upon the Pater Noster, 1526 Women Writers Project first electronic edition /