Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR782 .S63 2024 Social Christianity in Scotland and beyond, 1800-2000 : essays in honour of Stewart J. Brown / 1
BR784 The history of Scottish theology. 1
BR784 .C69 2012 Death, life, and religious change in Scottish towns c. 1350 1560 / 1
BR784 .S5 The Celtic church in Scotland : a study of its penetration lines and art relationships / 1
BR784 .S65 1982 Scotia pontificia : papal letters to Scotland before the pontificate of Innocent III / 1
BR784 .W38 2000 Medieval church councils in Scotland / 1
BR785 The history of Scottish theology.
BR785 .A32 1585 A declaratioun of the Kings Maiesties intentioun and meaning toward the lait actis of Parliament 2
BR785 .A33 1598 The recantation of Maister Patrik Adamsone, sometime archbishop of Saint- Androwes in Scotlande. 1
BR785 .B4 The beast is wounded. Or information from Scotland, concerning their reformation. Wherein is briefly declared, the true cause and ground of all the late troubles there; and the reasons why they have resjected the bishops, with their courts, canons, ceremonies, and service-book. : Hereto is added some fruitfull observations, upon the former declaration. / 1
BR785 .B56 An useful case of conscience learnedly and accuratly discussed and resolved concerning associations and confederacies with idolaters, infidels, hereticks, malignants, or any other knoun enemies of truth and godlinesse : useful for these times and therefore published for the benefit of all those who desire to know or retain the sworn to principles of the sometimes famous Church of Christ in Scotland / 2
BR785 .B76 1997 Religion and society in Scotland since 1707 / 1
BR785 .B76 1997eb Religion and society in Scotland since 1707 / 1
BR785 .B87 A modest and free conference betwixt a conformist and a non-conformist about the present distempers of Scotland in six dialogues / 2
BR785 .B87 1669 A modest and free conference betwixt a conformist and a non-conformist about the present distempers of Scotland now in seven dialogues / 2
BR785 .C32 1629 His Majesties approbation of the actes vnderwritten: at Holy-rude-House the 3. day of November, 1629. 1
BR785 .C37 Loyalty asserted and the late remonstrance or allegiance of the Irish clergy and layty confirmed and proved by the authority of Scriptures, fathers ... and by the evidences of several theological reasons : with a brief answer to Cardinal Peron's Oration and objections /
A true and exact copy of a treasonable and bloody paper called The fanaticks new covenant which was taken from Mr. Donald Cargill at Queens-Ferry, June 3, 1680 one of their field-preachers, a declared rebel and traytor ; together with their execrable declaration, published at the Cross of Sanquhair, on the 22. of the said month of June, after a solemn procession and singing of Psalms by Cameron, the notorious ring-leader of, and preacher at their field-conventicles, accompanied with twenty of that wicked crew.
A true and exact copy of a treasonable and bloody paper called The fanaticks new covenant which was taken from Mr. Donald Cargill at Queens-Ferry, June 3, 1680 one of their field-preachers, a declared rebel and traytor ; together with their execrable declaration, published at the Cross of Sanquhair, on the 22. of the said month of June, after a solemn procession and singing of Psalms by Cameron, the notorious ring-leader of, and preacher at their field-conventicles, accompanied with twenty of that wicked crew.
BR785 .C49 1644 Reformation of church-government in Scotland cleared from some mistakes and prejudices by the commissioners of the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, now at London / 1
BR785 .C58 A true copy of the humble desires of the commissioners of the General Assembly, March 22 presented by them to the Parliament of Scotland with their answer, March 27, 1648 : together with a humble representation of the sense of the commissioners of the General Assembly to the honorable Estates of Parliament upon their lorships [sic] answer, March 29 : as also the last answer of the Assembly to the Parliaments paper, March 31, 1648.
A letter from Scotland with observations upon the Anti-Erastian, anti-prælatical and phanatical Presbyterian party there by way of dialogue between Anonymus and Antiprælatus.
The answer of the Commissioner of the General Assembly unto the observations of the honourable Committee of Estates upon the declaration of the late General Assembly, August 15, 1648
A declaration and brotherly exhortation of the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland met at Edinburgh, August 20, 1647, to their brethren of England.
The remonstrance of the Commissioners of the General Assembly to the Convention of Estates at Edinburgh, June, 1643
A short information from the Commission of the Generall Assembly concerning the declaration of the honourable court of Parliament lately emitted to the Kingdome.
A solemn warning to all members of this kirk from the Commission of the Generall Assemblie with an act for censuring such as act or comply with the sectarian armie now infesting this kingdom.
To the right honourable the Committee of Estates the humble remonstrance of the commissioners of the Generall Assembly, met at Edinburgh the 13 of October, 1647
The answer of the Commission of Generall Assemblie to the quæree propounded to them from the Parliament with an answer of the Commission of the Generall Assemblie to a letter, sent to them from the ministers of the Presbyterie of Sterline.
The principall acts of the General Assembly conveened [sic] at Edinburgh, upon the last VVednesday of Ma[y] the 29 of that moneth, in the year 1644.
A solemn testimony against toleration and the present proceedings of sectaries and their abettors in England in reference to religion and government with an admonition and exhortation to their brethren there from the Commissioners of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland : with the return of the Honourable Estates of Parliament upon the said testimony communicated to them, and their concurrence with the same : together with the paper of the 5. of July given in by the Commissioners for the kingdom of Scotland to the speaker of the House of Commons mentioned in the said return.
A solemn testimony against toleration and the present proceedings of sectaries and their abettors in England in reference to religion and government with an admonition and exhortation to their brethren there from the Commissioners of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland : with the return of the Honourable Estates of Parliament upon the said testimony communicated to them, and their concurrence with the same : together with the paper of the 5. of July given in by the Commissioners for the kingdom of Scotland to the speaker of the House of Commons mentioned in the said return.
BR785 .E55 By the King a proclamation 2