Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR1380 .S36 2002 Kirchliche Amtsträger im spätantiken Ägypten : nach den Aussagen der griechischen und koptischen Papyri und Ostraka / 1
BR1380 .S7 Storia della Chiesa di Alessandria / 1
BR1385 .S88 Sudan Government secret plans against Christian missions in the south : secret correspondence circulated between the officials of various government departments of the Sudan with regards [sic] to plans to put an end to Christian missionary activity in the Southern Sudan during the years 1957-1960. 1
BR1390 .F74 2001 Jesus and the lost goddess : the secret teachings of the original Christians / 1
BR1400 .F66 2016 Decolonizing Christianity : Religion and the End of Empire in France and Algeria /
Decolonizing Christianity : religion and the end of empire in France and Algeria /
BR1430 Proclaiming Political Pluralism : Churches and Political Transitions in Africa.
Wealth, health, and hope in African Christian religion : the search for abundant life /
BR1430 .A36 1994 Afro-Christianity at the grassroots : its dynamics and strategies / 1
BR1430 .A765 2001 African reformation : African initiated Christianity in the 20th century / 1
BR1430 .B8513 1992 African theology in its social context / 1
BR1430 .C47 1995 The Christian churches and the democratisation of Africa / 1
BR1430 .C475 2011eb Christianity and public culture in Africa / 1
BR1430 .C49 2017 Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa / 1
BR1430 .E413 1986 African cry / 1
BR1430 .E4313 1988 My faith as an African / 1
BR1430 .F545 2017 History of the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians 1989-2007. 1
BR1430 .G54 1998 African Christianity : its public role / 1
BR1430 .M385 2019 From pews to politics : religious sermons and political participation in Africa / 2
BR1430 .M4 God, Allah, and Ju Ju : religion in Africa today. 1
BR1430 .O38 1995 Daughters of Anowa : African women and patriarchy / 1
BR1430 .P46 2003 Circle thinking : African women theologians in dialogue with the West / 1