Call Number (LC) Title Results
BQ5125.M3 M3 1997 Maṇḍala and landscape / 1
BQ5125.M3 M36 2002 Mandalas of the Bon religion : Tritan Norbutse collection, Kathmandu / 1
BQ5125.M3 P74 2002 Preaching from pictures a Japanese mandala / 1
BQ5125.M3 T43 2012 Rgyud sde rgya mtshoʼi dkyil ʼkhor gyi thig rtsa dang bri byaʼi tshon gyi dbye ba sogs go bder bkod pa / 1
BQ5125.M3 T46 1999 Japanese mandalas : representations of sacred geography / 1
BQ5125.M3 T78 1991 Orderly chaos : the mandala principle / 1
BQ5125.M8 D48 1999 Esoteric mudrās of Japan : mudrās of the Garbhadhātu and Vajradhātu maṇḍalas, of homa and eighteen-step rites, and of main Buddhas and Boddhisattvas, gods and goddesses of various sūtras and tantras / 1
BQ5125.M8 H38 2013 Hastabhinaja gesta rukou v tradicnim divadelnim umeni Indie / 1
BQ5125.S8 S66 1985 The symbolism of the stupa / 1
BQ5125.S8 S88 1997 The stupa : sacred symbol of enlightenment. 1
BQ5133.3.J3 H87 2007 Death and social order in Tokugawa Japan : Buddhism, anti-Christianity, and the danka system / 1
BQ5136.3.C5 T36 1997 Dunhuang si yuan kuai ji wen shu yan jiu / 1
BQ5136.3.J3 G66 1994 Alms and Vagabonds : Buddhist temples and popular patronage in medieval Japan / 1
BQ5160.T4 K36 2003 The Buddha in the jungle / 1
BQ5213 .N36 1987 Clearing the path : writings of Ñāṇavīra Thera (1960-1965) / 1
BQ5220 .B59 1988 Les traditions de la pabbajjā en Asie du Sud-Est : recherches sur le bouddhisme khmer, IV / 1
BQ5275.I42 H567 1989 Prêtrise, pouvoirs et autorité en Himalaya / 1
BQ5305.H9 B73 1909 Great hymns of the middle ages / 1
BQ5325.J3 E86 1993 Etoki mangekyō : sei to zoku no imajinēshon / 1
BQ5325.J3 K36 2006 Explaining pictures : Buddhist propaganda and etoki storytelling in Japan / 1