Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL1175.V35 Authority and meaning in Indian religions : Hinduism and the case of Valmiki / 1
BL1175.V35 A77 2003 Authority and meaning in Indian religions : Hinduism and the case of Valmiki / 1
BL1175.V3745 K86 2002 Dada J.P. Vaswani : his life and teachings / 1
BL1175.V479 N37 1987 The way of the Vaiṣṇava sages : a medieval story of south Indian sadhus : based on the Sanskrit notes of Viṣṇu-vijay Swāmī / 1
BL1175.V5 A4 1976 Letters of Swami Vivekananda. 1
BL1175.V5 N6 1977 The master as I saw him / 1
BL1175.V5 R4 1964 Reminiscences of Swami Vivekananda : by his Eastern and Western admirers. 1
BL1175.W66 T39 2001 Sir John Woodroffe, Tantra and Bengal An Indian Soul in a European Body?. 1
BL1175.Y36 Y35 1988 Yāmunācāryas Saṃvitsiddhi : Kritische Edition, Übersetzung und Anmerkungen mit einem Rekonstruktionsversuch der verlorenen Abschnitte / 1
BL1175.Y64 A45 Yōkacuvāmikaḷ / 1
BL1200 A prehistory of Hinduism / 1
BL1200 .T8 1951 Readings from the Ramayana 1
BL1201 .B25 The heart of India : sketches in the history of Hindu religion and morals / 1
BL1201 .C6 1999 Hinduism and Buddhism / 1
BL1201 .H38 Brahma und die brahmanen Vortrag in der öffentlichen sitzung der K. Akademie der wissenschaften am 28. märz 1871 zur feier ihres einhundert und zwölften stiftungstages, 1
BL1201 .M2 Outlines of Hinduism / 1
BL1201 .M3 1913 Indian myth and legend / 1
BL1201 .M6 2010 Indian wisdom : examples of the religious, philosophical, and ethical doctrines of the Hindus 1
BL1201 .M63 1981 The Hindu pantheon / 1
BL1201 .M63 1984 The Hindu pantheon / 1