Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BD232 .R534 2024 | The Retreat from Strategy Britain's Dangerous Confusion of Interests with Values. | 1 |
BD232 .R58 | Die Rolle der Werte im Leben. : Festschrift für Johannes Hessen zu seinem 80. Geburtstag. | 1 |
BD232 .R66 2011 | Personal value / | 1 |
BD232 .S25 | Systems of ethics and value theory. | 1 |
BD232.S38 | Reason over passion : reason over passion. | 1 |
BD232 .S46 1989 | The Social context and values : perspectives of the Americas / | 1 |
BD232 .S644 2017 | Mulyo ki Punahsthapna : Imaandari, Naitik Vyavhaar aur Sushasan ki Kunji. | 1 |
BD232 .S65 | Antirelativismus. : Kritik des Relativismus und Skeptizismus der Werte und des Sollens / | 1 |
BD232 .S74 | La philosophie des valeurs : regard sur ses tendances actuelles en Allemagne / | 1 |
BD232 .S84 2023 | Interdisciplinary value theory / | 1 |
BD232 .T23 1996 | Dang dai Zhongguo jia zhi guan lun gang / | 1 |
BD232 .T24 | The Tanner lectures on human values. | 2 |
BD232 .T3 1928a | Human value and verities / | 1 |
BD232 .T33 | Normative discourse. | 1 |
BD232 .T49 2018eb | Theological ethics and moral value phenomena : the experience of values / | 1 |
BD232 .V25 |
Value and valuation; axiological studies in honor of Robert S. Hartman. Value and valuation : axiological studies in honor of Robert S. Hartman / |
2 |
BD232 .V26 | Value and values in evolution / | 1 |
BD232 .V265 1988 | Values : a symposium / | 1 |
BD232 .V266 1986 | Values and moral standing. | 1 |
BD232 .V27 |
Values in an age of confrontation ; a symposium sponsored by the Religion in Education Foundation / Values in an age of confrontation; a symposium sponsored by the Religion in Education Foundation. Values in an age of confrontation : a symposium sponsored by the Religion in Education Foundation / |
3 |