Call Number (LC) Title Results
B804 .B5618 1951 La filosofĂ­a actual / 1
B804 .B563 Contemporary European philosophy. 1
B804 .B66313 2010 Witnesses for the future : philosophy and messianism / 1
B804 .B753 2014eb Bridging the analytical continental divide : a companion to contemporary western philosophy / 1
B804 .C3244 2019 The Cambridge history of philosophy, 1945-2015 / 1
B804 .C36 2019 The Cambridge history of philosophy, 1945-2015 / 1
B804 .C46 2006eb Central works of philosophy. Moore to Popper / 1
B804 .C468 1997 Zhe xue di li liang : she hui zhuan xing shi qi di zhongguo zhe xue / 1
B804 .C54 Le Choix, le monde, l'existence. 1
B804 .C5655 2005 The philosophy of enchantment : studies in folktale, cultural criticism, and anthropology / 1
B804 .C5655 2005eb The philosophy of enchantment : studies in folktale, cultural criticism, and anthropology / 1
B804 .C57 Contemporary philosophy. : A survey / 1
B804 .C573 Contemporary philosophy : a new survey / 1
B804 .C573 vol. 6 B738.S35 Philosophy and science in the Middle Ages 1
B804 .C573 vol. 7 Asian philosophy / 1
B804 .C573 vol. 7 B121 Asian philosophy / 1
B804 .C573 vol. 8 Philosophy of Latin America / 1
B804 .C574 1996 The Continental philosophy reader / 1
B804 .C575 2021 Continental theory Buffalo : transatlantic crossroads of a critical insurrection / 1
B804 .C64 Man: a citizen of the universe. 1