Call Number (LC) Title Results
B765.R24 P85 1994 Les sources de la pensée philosophique de Raimond Sebond (Ramon Sibiuda) / 1
B765.R44 H6 Richard de Middleton : sa vie, ses oeuvres, sa doctrine. 1
B765.R44 Z3 Richard de Mediavilla et la controverse sur la pluralité des formes / 1
B765.R53 D2 De Trinitate : texte critique avec introduction, notes et tables / 1
B765.R53 P879 1990 The explanation of the mystery of the Trinity based on the attribute of God as supreme love : a study on the "De Trinitate" of Richard of St. Victor / 1
B765.R54 B4 1997 Les douze patriarches ou Beniamin Minor / 1
B765.R54 D8 Richard de Saint-Victor et l'idée chrétienne de l'amour. 2
B765 .S473 1537 [The history of kyng Boccus, [and] Sydracke] [how he confoundyd his lerned men, and in ye syght of them dronke stronge venym in the name of the Trinite [and] dyd hym no hurt. Also his diuynyte that he lerned of the boke of Noe. Also his profycyes that he had by reuelacyo[n] of the aungell. Also his answeris to the questions of wysdome, both morall and natural wyth moche worldly wysdome contayned in noumber. CCC.lxv. translatyd by Hugo of Caumpeden, out of frenche into Englysshe.] 1
B765 .S5 1913 Les œuvres de Siger de Courtrai (étude critique et textes inédits) / 1
B765.S5 Q42 1981 Quaestiones in metaphysicam / Siger de Brabant ; [edidit] William Dunphy. 1
B765.S5 Q42 1983 Quaestiones in metaphysicam / 1
B765.S51 B39 Siger de Brabant : écrits de logique, de morale, et de physique : édition critique / 1
B765.S53 Q43 Questions sur la métaphysique : texte inédit. 1
B765.S53 Q44 Quaestiones in tertium de anima. : De anima intellectiva. De aeternitate mundi / 1
B765.S53 Q45 Les Quaestiones super librum de causis de Siger de Brabant / 1
B765.S54 D63 1998 The life and thought of Siger of Brabant, thirteenth-century Parisian philosopher : an examination of his views on the relationship of philosophy and theology / 1
B765.S54 D8 La doctrine de la providence dans les écrits de Siger de Brabant : textes et étude. 1
B765.S54 S69 Maître Siger de Brabant / 1
B765.S74 ebook Vida / 1
B765.T2 V25 Le Quaestiones de anima di Taddeo da Parma / 1