Call Number (LC) Title Results
AS281 .D2144 Bd. 9, nr. 4 CJ3094 Studies in northern coinages of the eleventh century / 1
AS281 .D2144 Bd. 9, nr. 5 DG223.7.T45 Etruscan types of heads : a revised chronology of the archaic and classical terracottas of Etruscan Campania and Central Italy / 1
AS281 .D2144 Bd. 10, nr. 3 DS94.5 The excavations at Tall Darūk (Usnu?) and ʻArab al-Mulk (Paltos) / 1
AS281 .D2144 Bd. 11 DL21 Hal og gård i Hejninge : en arkæologisk undersøgelse af to sjællandske gårdtomter / 1
AS281 .D2144 Bd. 13 DL271.N63 Nørre Sandegård : arkæologiske undersøgelser på Bornholm 1948-1952 / 1
AS281 .D2144 Bd. 16 DL271.F2 To færøske gårdanlæg : Dúvugarðar i Saksun og bylingen Heimi í húsi på Koltur / 1
AS281 .D2144 Bd. 24 The Toledan tables : a review of the manuscripts and the textual versions / 1
AS281 .D2144 Bd. 25 Videnskab og Værdier : den humanistiske udfordring / 1
AS281 .D2144 Bd. 26 The Nag Hammadi texts in the history of religions / 1
AS281 .D2144 Bd. 27 A comparative study of six city-state cultures / 1
AS281 .D2144 Bd. 28 Topographical studies in the Ǧabla Plain / 1
AS281 .D2144 Bd. 29 Iron and steel in ancient times / 1
AS281 .D2144 Bd. 30 Danish sources for the history of Ghana, 1657-1754 / 1
AS281 .D2144 Bd. 31 Peter Oluf Brøndsted (1780-1842) : a Danish classicist in his European context ; acts of the conference at The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen, 5-6 October 2006 ; on the occasion of the bicentennial of the National Museum of Denmark, 1807-2007 / 1
AS281 .D2144 Bd. 32 Iron, steel and cast iron before Bessemer : the slag-analytical method and the role of carbon and phosphorus / 1
AS281 .D215 bd. 40 The wider Himalaya, a model for scientific research / 1
AS281 .D215 bd. 40 nr. 1-2 Investigations of formaldehyde oxime : its polymers and coordination compounds / 1
AS281 .D215 bd. 40 nr. 3 Stopping power of swift hydrogen and helium ions in gases / 1
AS281 .D215 bd. 40 nr. 4 Three revolutions of the comets Halley and Olbers 1759-2024 / 1
AS281 .D215 bd. 40 nr. 5 Statistics of particle penetration / 1