Call Number (LC) Title Results
AS281 .A34 vol. 40, pt. 2, etc La frottola. 1
AS281 .A34 vol. 40, pt. 2, etc. ML2633 La frottola. 1
AS281 .A34 vol. 41, pt. 1 La frottola. 1
AS281 .A34 vol. 42, pt. 1 La frottola. 1
AS281 .A34 vol. 45 Turner's syndrome : a psychiatric-psychological study of 45 women with Turner's syndrome, compared with their sisters and women with normal karyotypes, growth retardation, and primary amenorrhoea / 1
AS281 .A34 vol. 63 no. 1 The theory of the alternative Erechtheion : premises, definition, and implications / 1
AS281 .A34 vol. 63, pt. 1 The theory of the alternative Erechtheion : premises, definition, and implications / 1
AS281 .A34 vol. 67 no. 1 Moving on : new perspectives on the women's movement / 1
AS281 .A34 vol. 71, pt. 1 The Waking of Angantyr : the Scandinavian past in European culture : den nordiske fortid i europæisk kultur / 1
AS281 .A34 vol. 72 pt. 1 Rationality and the study of religion / 1
AS281 .A34 vol. 73 pt. 1 Moving mountains : Japanese education reform / 1
AS281 .A34 vol. 74 pt. 2 The theory and practice of cultural-historical psychology / 1
AS281 .A34 vol. 80 pt. 2 Roman imperial statue bases : from Augustus to Commodus / 1
AS281 .A34 vol. 83 Archaeology of Medieval Europe / 1
AS281 .A34 vol. 83 pt. 1 Archaeology of Medieval Europe / 1
AS281 .D18 bd.4, no.4 The brazen house : a study of the vestibule of the imperial palace of Constantinople / 1
AS281 .D21 Oversigt over selskabets virksomhed. 1
AS281 D212 Biologiske meddelelser / 1
AS281 .D214 Historisk-filosofiske meddelelser.
Historisk-filologiske meddelelser /
Om Peder Laales danske ordsprog /
AS281 .D214 Bd.38, Nr.2 Rasmus Rask og den grammatiske tradition. : Studier over vendepunktet i sprogvidenskabens historie / 1