A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-308
A review of fire effects on vegetation and soils in the Great Basin Region : response and ecological site characteristics / |
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A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-309
Review and recommendations for climate change vulnerability assessment approaches with examples from the Southwest |
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A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-310
Restoring composition and structure in Southwestern frequent-fire forests : a science-based framework for improving ecosystem resiliency / |
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A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-311
Regional and forest-level estimates of carbon stored in harvested wood products from the United States Forest Service Northern Region, 1906-2010 / |
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A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-313
Effectiveness of post-fire burned area emergency response (BAER) road treatments : results from three wildfires / |
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A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-314
A simple protocol using underwater epoxy to install annual temperature monitoring sites in rivers and streams / |
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A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-315
A wildfire risk assessment framework for land and resource management / |
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A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-316
Review of climate change impacts on future carbon stores and management of warm deserts of the United States / |
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A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-317
Multi-agency Oregon pilot working towards a national inventory and assessment of rangelands using onsite data / |
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A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-318
Logging utilization in Idaho current and past trends / |
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A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-319
Climate-FVS version 2 : content, users guide, applications, and behavior / |
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A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-320
Projecting climate change in the United States : a technical document supporting the Forest Service RPA 2010 Assessment / |
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A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-321
A landscape scale valley confinement algorithm delineating unconfined valley bottoms for geomorphic, aquatic, and riparian applications / |
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A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-322
A field guide for selecting the most appropriate treatment in sagebrush and piƱon-juniper ecosystems in the Great Basin evaluating resilience to disturbance and resistance to invasive annual grasses, and predicting vegetation response / |
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A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-323
Photographic guidance for selecting flow resistance coefficients in high-gradient channels / |
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A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-324
Freshwater resources in designated wilderness areas of the United States : a state-of-knowledge review / |
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A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-325
Historical and current fire management practices in two wilderness areas in the southwestern United States : the Saguaro Wilderness Area and the Gila-Aldo Leopold Wilderness Complex / |
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A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-326
Using resistance and resilience concepts to reduce impacts of invasive annual grasses and altered fire regimes on the sagebrush ecosystem and greater sage-grouse : a strategic multi-scale approach / |
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A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-327
Private forests, housing growth, and America's water supply : a report from the Forests on the Edge and Forests to Faucets Projects / |
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A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-328
Key concepts and methods in social vulnerability and adaptive capacity / |
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