Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 13.78:ITF-5 The effect of incising on drying, treatability, and bending strength of posts / 1
A 13.78:ITF-6 Public forestry research in Latin America, its status and needs / 1
A 13.78:ITF-7 Shaping and planing characteristics of plantation-grown mahogany and teak / 1
A 13.78:ITF-8 Chemical control of Bostrichidae during air drying of fence posts / 1
A 13.78:ITF-9 Trees of Jost Van Dyke (British Virgin Islands) / 1
A 13.78:ITF-10 Preservative treatments and service life of fence posts in Puerto Rico : 1969 progress report / 1
A 13.78:ITF-11 Treatability of Puerto Rican woods / 1
A 13.78:ITF-12 Preservative treatments and service life of fence posts in Puerto Rico : 1972 progress report / 1
A 13.78:ITF-13 Compression wood formation and other characteristics of plantation-grown Pinus caribaea / 1
A 13.78:ITF-14 Tree species for plantations in the granitic uplands of Puerto Rico / 1
A 13.78:ITF-15 Hybrid mahogany recommended for planting in the Virgin Islands / 1
A 13.78:ITF-16 Must Honduras pine be weeded frequently in Puerto Rico? / 1
A 13.78:ITF-17 Seed source variation in Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands grown mahoganies / 1
A 13.78:ITF-18 The ecological life zones of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands / 1
A 13.78:ITF-19 Flora of Buck Island Reef National Monument (U.S. Virgin Islands) / 1
A 13.78:ITF-22 Tree growth in a moist tropical forest of Puerto Rico / 1
A 13.78:ITF-23 Mahogany (Swietenia) hybrids / 1
A 13.78:LS-1 Seed stored in cones of some jack pine stands, northern Minnesota / 1
A 13.78:LS-2 Forest soil freezing and the influence of management practices, northern Minnesota / 1
A 13.78:LS-3 Reduce the sprouting of pruned white oak trees with motor oil /
Direct seeding of conifers in the lake states : a review of past trials /