Call Number (LC) Title Results
599.32 W637m Maternal behaviour in the rat / 1
599.7 B77 Guide to the specimens of great game animals (Ungulata) exhibited in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History) 1
599.7 F66 The horse : a study in natural history / 1
599.7 L274 Monograph of the okapi / 1
599.7 L983 Catalogue of the heads and horns of Indian big game bequeathed by A.O. Hume ... to the British Museum (Natural History) / 1
599.73574 C119a Age variations in the teeth and skull of the whitetail deer / 1
599.74442 B728t Topographical anatomy of the dog / 1
599.74446 M137b The beast that walks like man : the story of the grizzly bear. 1
599.74446 M625g The grizzly : our greatest wild animal / 1
599.748 St92s A seal's world : an account of the first three years in the life of a harp seal / 1
599.775 RAV 2023 Fox and I : an uncommon friendship / 1
599.8 EL57r A review of the primates / 1
599.8 G181 Apes and monkeys : their life and language / 1
599.8 H255s Les singes anthropoïdes et leur organisation comparée à celle de l'homme / 1
599.8 H769M Man's poor relations / 1
599.8 H86 The descent of the primates : lectures delivered on the occasion of the sesquicentennial celebration of Princeton university / 1
599.8 K717b Behavior mechanisms in monkeys / 1
599.8 K824m The mentality of apes / 1
599.8 So59 The morphology and evolution of the apes and man / 1
599.8 W151m The monkey book. 1