Call Number (LC) Title Results
378.788B As28 A survey of the problem of recreation in a town of two thousand people / 1
378.788B As28a A survey of the problem of recreation in a town of two thousand people / 1
378.788B As348 Diplomatic relations between the United States and Nicaragua, 1850-1900 / 1
378.788B As35 Design in textiles / 1
378.788B As351s A study of factors controlling coagulability of human blood serum / 1
378.788B As38 Attitude of the senate on the League of Nations, the World Court, and the Kellogg Treaty : the rivalry for the control of foreign relations / 1
378.788B As66 Forecasting real estate values / 1
378.788B At32 The relation between intelligence and effective practice / 1
378.788B At52 An experiment in a medium sized high school to justify placing extra-curricular activities on school time / 1
378.788B At55 Voltage regulation charts for short transmission lines & distribution systems / 1
378.788B At81 Social legislation in New Mexico : a survey and an analysis / 1
378.788B At95 The chronological disappearance of certain useful words in old Spanish / 1
378.788B At951 Nature in George Meredith's poetry / 1
378.788B At957s A study of the heat transfer coefficients from a metal surface to a fluidized bed / 1
378.788B Au625h Home room guidance program : Junior High School, Freeport, Illinois / 1
378.788B Au77 Sciatic distribution and gastrocnemius innervation in the leopard frog and in the white rat, as shown by Wallerian degeneration / 1
378.788B Au778d Design features of the proposed Granby Pumping Plant to Estes Power Plant 115 kilovolt transmission line / 1
378.788B Ay184s Stresemann's policy of fulfillment and conciliation / 1
378.788B Ay193m A mobile turbojet engine test stand / 1
378.788B Ay247s A study to determine the need for a consumer acceptance plan for the Great Western Sugar Company's products / 1