Call Number (LC) Title Results
371.911 B46 The blind; their condition and the work being done for them in the United States / 1
371.911 C97 The blind in school and society : a psychological study / 1
371.911 D288h History of the Manor House, York : the Yorkshire School for the Blind, instituted at York, 1833, in memory of William Willberforce. 1
371.911 H284e Education and health of the partially seeing child / 1
371.911 H284e Ed.2 Education and health of the partially seeing child. 1
371.911 P367h Helping the visually handicapped child in a regular class. 1
371.912 B883s Speech reading--Jena method : a textbook with lesson plans in full development for hard-of-hearing adults and discussion of adaptations for deaf and hard-of-hearing children / 1
371.912 D137p Public school audiometry: principles and methods. 1
371.912 Ew54l Lipreading and hearing aids. 1
371.912 Ew54s Speech and the deaf child / 1
371.912 F452D Deaf children in a hearing world : their education and adjustment / 1
371.912 G335e Environment and the deaf child. 1
371.912 H668d The deaf and their problems : a study in special education / 1
371.912 M679e Education of the young deaf child. 1
371.912 St79 Lip reading for the deafened child : a handbook for teachers / 1
371.912 T249d The development of reasoning in children with normal and defective hearing. 1
371.912062 Am35 American Federation of Organizations for the Hard of Hearing. 1
371.913 W892w Workshop for teachers of deaf-blind children, Hartford, Connecticut, June 27-30, 1955 / 1
371.917 H777e Evaluation and education of the cerebral palsied child : New Jersey study / 1
371.92 B173i Introduction to exceptional children. 1