14564 S.rp.136
Veterans Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development Act of 1999 |
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14564 S.rp.137
Generalized System of Preferences Extension Act |
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14564 S.rp.138
Wireless Communications and Public Safety Act of 1999 |
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14564 S.rp.139
Serbia Democratization Act of 1999 |
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14564 S.rp.140
Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act |
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14564 S.rp.141
Children's Internet Protection Act |
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14564 S.rp.142
Promote Reliable On-Line Transactions To Encourage Commerce and Trade (PROTECT) Act of 1999 |
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14564 S.rp.143
Organ Donor Leave Act |
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14564 S.rp.144
Authorizing an Interpretive Center and Related Visitor Facilities Within the Four Corners Monument Tribal Park |
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14564 S.rp.145
Providing Technical Corrections to the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996, To Improve the Delivery of Housing Assistance to Indian Tribes in a Manner That Recognizes the Right of Tribal Self-Governance |
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14564 S.rp.146
Independent Office of Advocacy Act |
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14564 S.rp.147
Summary of Legislative and Oversight Activities During the 105th Congress |
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14564 S.rp.148
To Elevate the Position of Director of the Indian Health Service Within the Department of Health and Human Services to Assistant Secretary for Indian Health |
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14564 S.rp.149
Providing for Business Development and Trade Promotion for Native Americans |
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14564 S.rp.150
Encouraging Indian Economic Development, To Provide for the Disclosure of Indian Tribal Sovereign Immunity in Contracts Involving Indian Tribes |
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14564 S.rp.151
Providing for Regulatory Reform in Order To Encourage Investment, Business, and Economic Development with Respect to Activities Conducted on Indian Lands |
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14564 S.rp.152
Amending the Indian Health Care Improvement Act To Make Permanent the Demonstration Program That Allows for Direct Billing of Medicare, Medicaid, and Other Third Party Payors, and To Expand the Eligibility Under Such Program to Other Tribes and Tribal Organizations |
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14564 S.rp.153
Amending Provisions of Law Enacted by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 To Ensure Full Analysis of Potential Impacts on Small Entities of Rules Proposed by Certain Agencies |
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14564 S.rp.154
D.C. College Access Act |
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14564 S.rp.155
Steel Trade Enforcement Act of 1999 |
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