13959 H.rp.311/1
Panama Canal Commission Employees' Commissary Privileges |
1 |
13959 H.rp.312
Veterans Health Professionals Educational Amendments of 1989 |
1 |
13959 H.rp.313
Veterans Education Programs Amendments of 1989 |
1 |
13959 H.rp.315
Making Appropriations for the Department of Transportation and Related Agencies, for the Fiscal Year Ending Sept. 30, 1990 |
1 |
13959 H.rp.316
Federal Communications Commission Authorization Act of 1989 |
1 |
13959 H.rp.317
Authorization of Appropriations for the National Telecommunications and Information Administration for FY90 and FY91 |
1 |
13959 H.rp.318
Hydroelectric Projects in the States of Washington and Arkansas |
1 |
13959 H.rp.320
Aviation Research Grant Act of 1989 |
1 |
13959 H.rp.321
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fleet Modernization Act of 1989 |
1 |
13959 H.rp.325/1
Calculation of Premium Pay for Uncontrollable Overtime Duty |
1 |
13959 H.rp.327
Authority To Make Direct Contributions to FEHBP; FEGLI Technical Amendment |
1 |
13959 H.rp.328
Civil Service Due Process Amendments |
1 |
13959 H.rp.329
Copyright Royalty Tribunal Reform and Miscellaneous Pay Act of 1989 |
1 |
13959 H.rp.330
Urban and Community Forestry Act of 1989 |
1 |
13959 H.rp.331
Authorizing Appropriations for FY90 for Military Activities of the Department of Defense, for Military Construction, and for Defense Activities of the Department of Energy, To Prescribe Personnel Strengths for Such Fiscal Year for the Armed Forces |
1 |
13959 H.rp.332
Making Appropriations for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies for the Fiscal Year Ending Sept. 30, 1990 |
1 |
13959 H.rp.333/1
Natural Resources Disaster Recovery Act of 1989 |
1 |
13959 H.rp.334/1
Chemical and Biological Warfare Elimination Act |
1 |
13959 H.rp.334/2
Chemical and Biological Warfare Elimination Act |
1 |
13959 H.rp.336/1
Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustment Act of 1989 |
1 |