1000 W105 Op2 no.41 1994
An overview of selected techniques for analysing surface-water data networks / |
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1000 W105 Op2 no.43 1999
Current operational applications of remote sensing in hydrology / |
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1000 W105 Op2 no.44 1999
Areal modelling in hydrology using remote sensing data and geographical information system / |
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1000 W105 Op2 no.46 2000
Precipitation estimation and forecasting / |
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1000 W105 Op2 no.49 2006
Guidelines on the role, operation, and management of national hydrological services. |
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1000 W105 Op2 no.50 2009
Manual on low-flow estimation and prediction. |
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1000 W105 Op2ph 2000
Operational provision for the hydrometeorological safety of the transport corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia (TRACECA) |
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1000 W105 Ou7fc 2003
Our future climate. |
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1000 W105 P197l 1979 Suppl
Papers presented at the WMO Symposium on the Long-range Transport of Pollutants and its Relation to General Circulation Including Stratospheric/Tropospheric Exchange Processes, Sofia, 1-5 October, 1979. |
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1000 W105 Æ p2 no.45 1999
Contaminants in rivers and streams : prediction of travel time and longitudinal dispersion / |
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1000 W105 Ơp2 no.45 1999
Contaminants in rivers and streams : prediction of travel time and longitudinal dispersion / |
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1000 W105 P693wq 2013
Planning of water-quality monitoring systems. |
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1000 W105 P757mu 2007
Polar meteorology : understanding global impacts. |
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1000 W105 P871fw 2012
Powering our future with weather, climate and water. |
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1000 W105 P929mn 2006
Preventing and mitigating natural disasters. |
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1000 W105 P942ss 1999
Proceedings of the WMO/Unesco Sub-forum on Science and Technology in Support of Natural Disaster Reduction : Geneva, 6-8 July 1999. |
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1000 W105 P96b
Publications of blue series |
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1000 W105 R249vw 2002
Reducing vulnerability to weather and climate extremes. |
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1000 W105 R259gp 2002
Reference guide for permanent representatives of members with the World Meteorological Organization on relevant procedures and practices of the organization / |
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1000 W105 R263at 2016
Regional Association I : tropical cyclone operational plan for the South-West Indian Ocean = Conseil régional I : plan d'opérations concernant les cyclones tropicaux dans le sud-ouest de l'océan Indien / |
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