Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 E5 Im6ic 1998 Immigrants, integration and cities : exploring the links / 1
1000 E5 Im7ca 2007 The implementation costs of agricultural policies / 1
1000 E5 Im7ct 2009 The impact of culture on tourism. 1
1000 E5 Im7dt 1999 Implementing domestic tradable permits for environmental protection. 1
1000 E5 Im7dt 2002 Implementing domestic tradeable permits : recent developments and future challenges. 1
1000 E5 Im7fe 2008 Improving financial education and awareness on insurance and private pensions. 1
1000 E5 Im7fee 2011 Improving financial education efficiency : OECD-Bank of Italy Symposium on Financial Literacy. 1
1000 E5 Im7fl 2005 Improving financial literacy : analysis of issues and policies. 1
1000 E5 Im7hs 2010 Improving health sector efficiency : the role of information and communication technologies. 1
1000 E5 Im7id 2009 Improving incentives in donor agencies : good practice and self-assessment tool. 1
1000 E5 Im7ls 2011 Improving Lower Secondary Schools in Norway / 1
1000 E5 Im7n 1979 The impact of the newly industrialising countries on production and trade in manufactures : report / 1
1000 E5 Im7nc 2010 The impacts of nanotechnology on companies : policy insights from case studies. 1
1000 E5 Im7oa 2004 Implementing the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. 1
1000 E5 Im7oa 2006 Implementing the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. 1
1000 E5 Im7oj 1999 Implementing the OECD jobs strategy : assessing performance and policy. 1
1000 E5 Im7ra 2003 The impact of regulations on agro-food trade : the technical barriers to trade (TBT) and sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS) agreements. 1
1000 E5 Im7rm 2006 Improving recycling markets. 1
1000 E5 Im7sl 2008 Improving school leadership / 1
1000 E5 Im7ss 2010 Improving schools : strategies for action in Mexico. 1