Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 E20PC Qu38eu 2003 Europe Direct : questions about the European Union? 1
1000 E20PC T44te 2005 Ted : Tenders electronic daily : practical guide. 1
1000 E20PC T44te 2010 TED : Tenders Electronic Daily : European public procurement / 1
1000 E20PC W25eh 2005 A quality environment : how the EU is contributing. 1
1000 E20PH P83he 2007 Public Health Executive Agency : role, responsibilities & activities. 1
1000 E20PH P943ca 2008 Programme of Community action in the field of public health : projects funded under the call for proposals 2006. 1
1000 E20PU Ag35wy 2007 EU agencies : whatever you do, we work for you. 1
1000 E20PU C362mw 2008 Change management : what is the EU doing to help you? / 1
1000 E20PU Eu74cc 2008 The European Consumer Centres Network : 2007 annual report / 1
1000 E20PU Eu74eo 2008 European Employment Observatory / 1
1000 E20PU Eu74go 2009 European GNSS (Galileo) open service : signal in space interface control document. 1
1000 E20PU Eu74l 2010 The ABC of European Union law / 1
1000 E20PU Eu74tc 2010 Consolidated version of the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community. 1
1000 E20PU Eu74w 2009 Europe for women / 1
1000 E20PU F928ls 2010 Frontex : libertas, securitas, justitia / 1
1000 E20PU H831eu 2007 How the European Union works : your guide to the EU institutions. 1
1000 E20PU H831eu 2012 The European Union explained : how the European Union works : your guide to the EU institutions / 1
1000 E20PU J575gr 2008 Jobs and growth in the EU : a roadmap to a sustainable tomorrow. 1
1000 E20PU M267ec 2010 Madrid : a European capital embracing integration / 1
1000 E20PU M722rm 2008 MoReq2 specification : model requirements for the management of electronic records, update and extension, 2008 / 1