Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 E20MCR M584df EU-MIDIS : European Union minorities and discrimination survey. 1
1000 E20MCR M584gi 2009 EU-MIDIS at a glance : introduction to the FRA's EU-wide discrimination survey / 1
1000 E20MCR P412a 2004 Perceptions of antisemitism in the European Union : voices from members of the European Jewish communities. 1
1000 E20MCR R66tp 2006 Roma and travellers in public education : an overview of the situation in the EU member states : executive summary / 1
1000 E20MS Sa17cs 2006 Safer and cleaner shipping in the European Union / 1
1000 E20MT B465pr 2010 Best practices in road safety : handbook for measures at the country level / 1
1000 E20MT Eu74mt 2010 The European maritime transport space without barriers : fostering internal market and advanced short-sea shipping technologies / 1
1000 E20MT H537se 2010 High-speed Europe : a sustainable link between citizens. 1
1000 E20MT H537sl 2010 High-speed lines a journey through Europe / 1
1000 E20MT In8ts 2011 Intelligent Transport Systems in action : action plan and legal framework for the deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Europe / 1
1000 E20MT R311ps 2010 Research projects and studies on road safety 2001-2008 : a background document for the preparation of the strategic guidelines for road safety up to 2020. 1
1000 E20MT R531sh Road safety ... : how is your country doing? = Strassenverkehrssicherheit : wie sieht es Ihrem Land aus? = Sécurité routière : quelle est la situation dans votre pays? / 1
1000 E20MT W582pt 2011 White paper on transport : roadmap to a single European transport area : towards a competitive and resource-efficient transport system / 1
1000 E20 N844 Notes : références des notes de doctrine aux arrêts de la Cour de justice des Communautés europ{226eenes / 1
1000 E20NI N474 Quarterly /
Newsletter /
1000 E20OHI Eb91 E business 1
1000 E20 P195eu 2007 The European Union / 1
1000 E20 P941 Proceedings of the Court of Justice and of the Court of First Instance of the European Communities /
Proceedings of the Court of Justice of the European Communities.
1000 E20PC B48rs 2006 Better regulation--simply explained / 1
1000 E20PC C28iv 2006 2006 catalogue : an insight into various publications on European affairs published by members of the Forum = 2006 Katalog. 1