1000 E20ENS R249vo/2 1994
Reduction of volatile organic compounds from drycleaning facilities / |
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1000 E20ENS R249vo/3 1994
Reduction of volatile organic compound emissions from industrial coating of metallic surfaces using carbon-based materials / |
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1000 E20ENS R259dp 1994
Refinement of the drafting procedure, the structure and content of technical notes on BAT. |
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1000 E20ENS Se35pe 1987
Sediment pollution in the EEC / |
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1000 E20ENS St29sd 1997
Statements on sustainable development : the General Consultative Forum on the Environment, 1993-96 / |
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1000 E20ENS Su79ie
Annual survey on the implementation and enforcement of community environmental law / |
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1000 E20ENS T226ea/1 1989
Technical and economic aspects of measures to reduce water pollution caused by the discharge of certain organophosphorous compounds : azinphos-ethyl (no. 5), azinphos-methyl (no. 6), fenthion (no. 81) / |
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1000 E20ENS T226ea/2 1989
Technical and economic aspects of measures to reduce water pollution caused by the discharge of certain organophosphorous compounds : dichlorvos (no. 70) / |
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1000 E20ENS T226ea/3 1989
Study of the technical and economical aspects of measures to reduce water pollution caused by the discharge atrazine, bentazone and chloroprene / |
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1000 E20ENS T226ea/4 1994
Technical and economic aspects of water pollution abatement measures for discharges from dry cleaning firms : final report. |
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1000 E20ENS T226ea/5 1994
Technical and economic aspects of measures to reduce water pollution from the textile finishing industry / |
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1000 E20ENS T226ea/6 1989
Technical and economic aspects of measures to reduce water pollution caused by the discharge of tributyltin compounds : tributyltinchloride, tributyltinfluoride, tributyltinoxide (no. 115), tributyltinbenzoate, tributyltinnaphthenate, tributyltinphosphate, tributyltinmethacrylate (methylmethacrylate) / |
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1000 E20ENS T226ea/7 1989
Technical and economic aspects of measures to reduce water pollution caused by the discharge of dibutyltin compounds. |
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1000 E20ENS T226ea/8 1989
The Technical and economic aspects of measures to reduce water pollution caused by the discharges from the pulp and paper industry : final report / |
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1000 E20ENS T226ea/9 1989
Technical and economic aspects of measures to reduce water pollution caused by the discharge of certain organophosphorous compounds : fenitrothion (no. 80), malathion (no. 89), parathion-ethyl (no. 100A), parathion-methyl (no. 100B) / |
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1000 E20ENS T226ea/10 1996
Study on the technical and economical aspects of measures to reduce (on the basis of the best available technologies) the pollution (of water and other environmental areas) from the industrial emissions of cokeries : final report / |
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1000 E20ENS T226ea/11 1996
Study on the technical and economic aspects of measures to reduce (on the basis of best available technology) the pollution of water and other environmental areas from the non-ferrous metal industry : final report / |
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1000 E20ENS T226ea/12 1996
Study on the technical and economic aspects of measures to reduce water pollution caused by discharges from the industrial sectors involved in the surface treatment of metal : final report / |
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1000 E20ENS T226ea 1989
Technical and economic aspects of measures to reduce water pollution caused by the discharge of triphenyltin compounds : triphenyltinchloride (no. 126), triphenyltinhydroxide (no. 127), triphenyltinacetate (no. 125), triphenyltinfluoride / |
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1000 E20ENS T226ea 1996
Techno-economic aspects of measures to reduce water pollution in small and medium sized enterprises on the basis of an industry and market driven approach : final report / |
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