Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 E20EF C832Lt 1992 Counselling and long-term unemployment : report on phase 1 of the EUROCOUNSEL Action Research Programme / 1
1000 E20EF D461hc 1995 Design for health : creating a brochure. 1
1000 E20EF D461s 1998 Design for sustainable development : environmental management and safety and health : a report on the EU's environmental management and audit scheme and its interaction with the management of safety and health / 1
1000 E20EF D461sdc 1997 Design for sustainable development : concepts and ideas / 1
1000 E20EF D461sdg 1997 Design for sustainable development : guides and manuals / 1
1000 E20EF D461sdp 1999 Design for sustainable development. 1
1000 E20EF D492eb 1993 Development of an environmental bio-industry : European perceptions and prospects / 1
1000 E20EF D628ce 1994 Direct communications in European multinationals : a case study approach / 1
1000 E20EF D628e 1998 Direct employee participation in the public services / 1
1000 E20EF D628p 1996 Direct participation and organisational change : fashionable but misunderstood? : an analysis of recent research in Europe, Japan, and the USA / 1
1000 E20EF D796 From drawing board to building site. 1
1000 E20EF Ec74ih 1994 Economic incentives to improve health and safety at work : proceedings of an international colloquium between Eastern and Western Europe held in Warsaw from 12 to 14 October 1994 / 1
1000 E20EF Ec74ii 1994 Economic incentives to improve the working environment : summary and conclusions of an international study / 1
1000 E20EF Ed83hw 1992 The education and training of personnel involved in the handling and monitoring of hazardous wastes / 1
1000 E20EF Ed83tp 1992 Education and training of personnel concerned with environmental issues relating to industry / 1
1000 E20EF Ei78ro EIRObserver / 1
1000 E20EF Ei78roa European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO) ... annual review. 1
1000 E20EF Em73 1998 Employment and sustainability : digest report / 1
1000 E20EF Em73pd 1998 The employment of people with disabilities in small and medium-sized enterprises / 1
1000 E20EF En82e Greece 1994 The enterprise and the environment : general considerations and case-study in Greece / 1