1000 E19 Ei83m
Iron and steel. |
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1000 E19 El25
Elektricitet: månedsbulletin. = Elektricität: Monatsbulletin. = Electrical energy: monthly bulletin. |
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1000 E19 El26
Les éléments de base de l'organisation commune des marchés dans le secteur de la viande bovine. |
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1000 E19 El63ce 1996
Elements for a cost-effective plastic waste management in the European Union : objectives and instruments for the year 2000 : final report, synthesis. |
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1000 E19 Em54 1990
An Empirical assessment of factors shaping regional competitiveness in problem regions : main report / |
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1000 E19 Em73m
Employment and unemployment. |
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1000 E19 Em73t
Employment trends to 1980 in the member states of the Community / |
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1000 E19 Em73tp 1997
Employment through innovation : preparing Milan : Third European Conference of Crafts and Small Businesses, Milan 20th and 21st November 1997. |
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1000 E19 Em73w 1984
The employment of women in Portugal : report / |
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1000 E19 Em73ws 1984
The employment of women in Spain : report / |
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1000 E19 Em73ws 1984
The employment of women in Spain : report / |
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1000 E19 En1 no.9
La Communauté européenne : les faits, les chiffres. |
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1000 E19 En1 no.10
La Communauté européenne en marche: 1950-1963. |
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1000 E19 En1 no.11
Europe Etats-Unis : partenaires égaux. |
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1000 E19 En27b
Bilans énergetiques / |
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1000 E19 En27c
Energy in the community. |
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1000 E19 En27esd Info.pack. 1999
Energy, environment and sustainable development : work programme, calls for proposals, guide for proposers, forms and annexes / |
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1000 E19 En27esd Info package 2000
Energy, environment and sustainable development / |
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1000 E19 En27if
EU energy in figures : statistical pocketbook / |
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1000 E19 En27m 1980-81
Energy from municipal waste : 1980/1981 summary report. |
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