1000 C35 Co P946iap Explanatory 1981
Explanatory report on the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data. |
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1000 C35 Co P946pa Explanatory 1988
Explanatory report on the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals. |
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1000 C35 Co P946va Explanatory 1986
European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes : Explanatory report on the convention opened for signature on 18 March 1986. |
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1000 C35 Co P969rto Explanatory 1970
Explanatory report on the European convention on the punishment of road traffic offences. |
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1000 C35 Co Qu38cl 1996
European Convention relating to Questions on Copyright Law and Neighboring Rights in the Framework of Transfrontier Broadcasting by Satellite : and explanatory report. |
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1000 C35 co R245ed Explanatory 1980
European Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions concerning Custody of Children and on Restoration of Custody of Children : Explanatory report : Convention opened for signature on 20 May 1980. |
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1000 C35 Co R245qhe 1998
Convention on the recognition of qualifications concerning higher education in the European region and explanatory report = Convention sur la reconnaissance des qualifications relatives à l'enseignement supérieur dans la région européenne et rapport explicatif = Convenio sobre reconocimiento de cualificaciones relativas a la educación superior en la región Europea a informe explicativo : Lisbon/Lisbonne/Lisboa 11.IV.1997. |
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1000 C35 Co R249mn Explanatory 1978
Explanatory report on the protocol amending the convention of 6 May 1963 on the reduction of cases of multiple nationality and military obligations in cases of multiple nationality and Explanatory report on the additional protocol to the convention of 6 May 1963 on the reduction of cases of multiple nationality and military obligations in cases of multiple nationality. |
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1000 C35 Co R249mn Explanatory 1994
The reduction of cases of multiple nationality and military obligations in cases of multiple nationality : explanatory report : second protocol amending the convention opened for signature on 2 February 1993. |
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1000 C35 Co R263ml 1993
European charter for regional or minority languages and explanatory report : convention opened for signature on 5 November 1992, European Treaty Series No. 148. |
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1000 C35 Co R299m 1971
European convention on the repatriation of minors and explanatory report : Convention opened for signature on 28 May 1970 : European Treaty Series No. 71. |
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1000 C35 Co Se69ad Explanatory 1977
Explanatory report on the European Convention on the Service Abroad of Documents relating to Administrative Matters. |
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1000 C35 Co So13s 1978
Explanatory reports on the European convention on social security and on the supplementary agreement for the application of the European convention on social security / |
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1000 C35 Co St29i Explanatory 1985
Explanatory reports on the European Convention on State Immunity and the additional protocol. |
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1000 C35 Co St73bsi Explanatory 1970
Explanatory report on the Convention relating to stops on bearer securities in international circulation. |
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1000 C35 Co Su76cs Explanatory 1970 French
Rapport explicatif sur la Convention européenne pour la surveillance des personnes condamnées ou libérées sous condition. |
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1000 C35 Co Su77t Explanatory 1979
Explanatory report on the European convention on the suppression of terrorism, Strasbourg, 27 January 1977. |
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1000 C35 Co T687ctc 1980
European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities (No. 106) and explanatory report : Convention opened for signature on 21 May 1980. |
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1000 C35 Co T687pc Explanatory 1985
Explanatory report on the European Convention on the Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal Matters. |
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1000 C35 Co T687sp Explanatory 1983
Explanatory report on the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons. |
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