Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 C33 H192oe 1996 Handbook for observers of elections. 1
1000 C33 H192sa Handbook of sea and air ports in the excepted area = Annuaire des ports et aƩroports faisant partie de la zone sanitaire franche. 1
1000 C33 H192vl 2009 Handbook on values for life in a democracy / 1
1000 C33 H228cp 2002 Harmonisation and co-operation between prosecutors at European level : proceedings / 1
1000 C33 H347nm 1995 Health Aspects of Nitrate and Its Metabolites (particularly nitrite) : proceedings, international workshop, Bilthoven (Netherlands), 8-10 November 1994. 1
1000 C33 H347sf 1998 Health aspects of using smoke flavours as food ingredients. 1
1000 C33 H425b 2009 Heritage and beyond / 1
1000 C33 H425eu 2002 The heritage of European universities / 1
1000 C33 H626yw 2009 The history of youth work in Europe : relevance for youth policy today / 1
1000 C33 H741es 1998 The Holocaust in the school curriculum : a European perspective / 1
1000 C33 H752sg 1993 Homelessness : report prepared by the Study Group on Homelessness : 1991/92 co-ordinated research programme in the social field. 1
1000 C33 H817pv 2008 Housing policy and vulnerable social groups : report and guidelines / 1
1000 C33 H831at 2009 How all teachers can support citizenship and human rights education : a framework for the development of competences / 1
1000 C33 H881ap 1993 Human artificial procreation. 1
1000 C33 H881eg 2011 Human rights in Europe : no grounds for complacency / 1
1000 C33 H881em 1998 The human rights, ethical and moral dimensions of health care / 1
1000 C33 H881g 2001 The human genome / 1
1000 C33 H881il 1997 Human rights in international law : basic texts. 1
1000 C33 H881il 2000 Human rights in international law : basic texts. 1
1000 C33 H881il 2007 Human rights in international law : basic texts. 1