Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z242.T6 S55 2000 The title-page : its early development, 1460-1510 /
The title-page, its early development, 1460-1510 /
Z242.T6 .S6 Generall accomodations by addresse. 1
Z242.T6 S6 The right teaching of useful knowledge, to fit scholars for some honest profession shewing so much skill as any man needeth (that is not a teacher) in all knowledges, in one schole, in a shorter time in a more plain way, and for so much less expense than ever hath been used, since of old the arts were so taught in the Greek and Roman empire.
Some considerations about the nature of an oath more particularly relating to our national covenant seriously propounded to all who truely feare God, and desire so to walk with Him, that they may enjoy peace of conscience: wherein this quaerie is handled: whether the said national covenant has those requisites in it, which according to Gods word ought to bee in every oath: the consideration whereof is in this juncture of time the more seasonable, for that the said covenant is on the one hand too much adored by some, and on the other hand by others esteemed scarce oblieging, even them who have sworn it
Z242.T6 S7 The state of the Kingdome represented to the people concerning the King, Parliament, Army, and the whole land. In a rejoynder, by way of animadversions upon the ansvver to the Agreement of the People. Written by William Ashhurst Esquire. January 23. 1648. Imprimatur Gilbert Mabbott.
A thunder-clap to Sion-Colledge. Or, a catalogicall hint of the pulpit inveteracy, and apostacy, of that mischievous assembly, or mystery of iniquity, at Sion Colledge.
A compendious or briefe examination of certayne ordinary complaints, of diuers of our country men in these our dayes which although they are in some part vniust & friuolous, yet are they all by vvay of dialogues throughly debated & discussed. /
Z242.T6 S95 The false brother, or, A new map of Scotland, drawn by an English pencil; being a short history of the political and civil transactions between these two nations since their first friendship: wherein the many secret designs, and dangerous aspects and influences of that nation on England are discovered; with the juglings of their commissioners with the late King, Parliament, and city. The grounds of the entrance of our army into Scotland cleared, from their own principles and actings; their main pleas impleaded, and answered. Humbly presented to the Councel of State. 1
Z242.T6 .S95 1644 A batchelors blessing on fathers of children presenting to them, and al teachers, a facile, delightful, and exact way and method of teaching to spel English perfectly, and truly within one moneth, and consequently to read in some measure within six moneths, and so sure that none yong or old may fear to fail if the teacher fail not in exercise thereof ... / 1
Z242.T6 T35 An hospital for the diseased Wherein are to be found most excellent and approved medicines, as well emplaisters of special vertue, as also notable potions or drinkes, and other comfortable receites, for the restitution and preservation of bodily health. Very necessary for the time of common plague and mortality: and for other times when occasion shall serve. 1
Z242.T6 T447 1657 [Patriarchae, sive, Christi servatoris genealogia per mundi aetates traducta / 1
Z242.T6 T45 Jewes in America, or, Probabilities that the Americans are of that race. With the removal of some contrary reasonings, and earnest desires for effectuall endeavours to make them Christian. / 1
Z242.T6 T7 The true primitive state of civil and ecclesiasticall government discussed and cleared also a way briefly propounded to reconcile the saints, by what names (now) soever distinguished, in unity of doctrine and discipline, according to our covenant in a government neerest to the word of God. 1
Z242.T6 T8 [A character of] Charles the Second 1
Z242.T6 V3 Silex scintillans, or, Mr. Henry Vaughans Sacred Poems which for charity, sublimity and piety ... of any that ever yet spoke English. 1
Z242.T6 V4 An [excellent?] treatise showing the best manner to attain a long and healthful life with a very necessarie treatise of the bathes of Bathe and an accurate tr. concerning tobacco. / 1
Z242.T6 V5 Vicissituedes progresse, with its convoy through the counties of Essex, Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and Middlesex, to Westminster and to London. By way of premonstration.
A plea for moderation in the transactions of the Army: or, Weighty observations upon the late proposalls for peace, presented by the Honourable City of London, to Commissary-Generall Ireton, for concurrence of the Generall Councell.
Z242.T6 V57 P. Virgilii Maronis opera Interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruaeus, Soc. Jesu, jussu Christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini 1
Z242.T6 V57 1634 [V]irgili[us] evangelisans. Sive, Historia domini & salvatoris nostri Iesu Christi, Virgilianis verbis & versibus descripta. 1
Z242.T6 V88 V.V. M.M. Guilh: Windham, baronetto. Thomae Wroth, baronetto. Gentium antiquarum, nobilium, amplarum principibus; belgii nostri ornamentis; comitatus somerset, ad parlamentum, militibus; reipublicae consultissimis; patriae patribus; Iulius Vitalis, belga .. 1
Z242.T6 W3 A motion propounded to the Committee of Parliament for redresse of the public grievances of the kingdome. Desired to bee taken into consideration, before they present their reports to the H. of Commons. For satisfaction of the kingdom, and setling the people in their just rights, by a firme and lasting peace. / 1
Z242.T6 W4 A shrill crye in the ears of Cavaliers, apostates, and presbyters, for the resolve of XIII queries touching the primitive state of this nation, since the Conquest: the late proceedings of the Army, the Covenant, and other weighty matters, tending to the publique peace of the nation. / 1
Z242.T6 W45 The way to the true Church wherein the principall motiues perswading to Romanisme, and questions touching the nature and authoritie of the Church and Scriptures, are familiarly disputed, and driuen to their issues, where, this day they sticke betweene the papists and vs: contriued into an answer to a popish discourse, concerning the rule of faith, and the marks of the Church. And published to admonish such as decline to papistrie, of the weake and vncertaine grounds, whereupon they haue ventured their soules. Directed to all that seeke for resolution: and especially to his louing countrimen of Lancashire.
A discourse of liberty of conscience, wherin the arguments on both sides are so equally laid together in the ballance, that the indifferent reader may without difficulty judge whither side weighes the heavier. /