Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z242.T6 W5 Virginia, more especially the south part thereof, richly and truly valued viz. the fertile Carolana, and no lesse excellent Isle of Roanoak, of latitude from 31 to 37 degr. relating the meanes of raysing infinite profits to the adventurers and planters.
Good news from New-England: with an exact relation of the first planting that countrey : a description of the profits accruing by the worke. Together with a briefe, but true discovery of their order both in church and common-wealth, and maintenance allowed the painfull labourers in that vineyard of ye Lord. With the names of the severall towns, and who be preacher to them.
A loyal svbiects looking-glasse, or a good subiects direction necessary and requisite for euery good Christian, liuing within any ciuill regiment or politique state, to view, behold, and examine himselfe in, that he may the better frame the course of his life, according to the true grounds of the duties of an honest and obedient subiect to his king, and to arme himself against all future syren songs, and alluring intisements of subtill, disloyall, dissembling, and vnnaturall conspirators, traitors, and rebels. Collected for the most part out of both olde and later writers, whose names are in the next page let downe. Wherevnto are brieflie added sixe special causes of vndutifull subiects disoyaltie. /
A discourse concerning a new world and another planet in 2 bookes.
Mercury, or, The secret and swift messenger: shewing, how a man may with privacy and speed communicate his thoughts to a friend at any distance.
Z242.T6 .W6 A sacred ballance weighing the ministers two bookes put forth the 20. & 27. of January, and finding them wanting : 1. In that, which God most looks for in the Day of His vengeance and year of Recompense for Zion ... and Christ's Righteousness in his Church : 2. In that wch is the Crown of a mans ... : 3. In that wch comands Words their season : 4. In that wch comands Words and Works a sutableness to the Words and Works of God : wherto if wee keepe a conformity, it will become us better than a well-fitted garment becomes the body / 1
Z242.T6 W6 The Wonderful and admirable Vertue of the Sassafras-Tree in Virginia and the most Excellent cures to bee affected by the Tobaccos green leafe and juyce 1
Z242.T6 W9 Tactometria. Or, The geometry of regulars practically composed after a new exact manner of artifical geometry of regular solids. : Also a cylindrical body, for liquid vessell-measure (now way of gauging) with sundry now experiments. : A work very usefull for such as are imployed in the practice of the art metricall. / 1
Z242.T6 Y6 A vade mecum, or, table, containing the substance of such statutes; wherein any one, or more justices of the peace are inabled to act, as well in the sessions, as out of the sessions of peace. With an epitome of Mr. Stamford's pleas of the crown. 1
Z242.T6 Z3613 1977 Typographic variations : on themes in contemporary book design and typography in 78 book- and title-pages / 1
Z243.A2 B4 1986 Getting it printed : how to work with printers and graphic arts services to assure quality, stay on schedule, and control costs / 1
Z243.A2 T42 Technological developments and their implications for employment in the printing and allied trades, with particular reference to developing countries. 1
Z243.A2 T74 Note on the proceedings. 1
Z243.A2 T74 1981 General report / 1
Z243.A2 T9 Typography. 1
Z243.E5 B3 1651 Stationars and printers, a privilegial, not municipal companie or corporation, however their properties to bee individually conserved, humbly presented to the Honorable Committee for Examination, &c. / 1
Z243.E5 B4 The case of the printery at Finsbury, concerning printing of the Bible .. 1
Z243.G3 Feminismus in der frühen Gewerkschaftsbewegung (1890-1914) : die Strategien der Buchdruckerei-HilfsarbeiterInnen um Paula Thiede / 1
Z243.G4 K46 1993 Technologischer Wandel in der Druckindustrie : Gutenbergs Nachfahren zwischen beruflichem Aufstieg und innerer Kundigung / 1
Z243.G7 C455 2021 Industrial relations in the British printing industry : the quest for security / 1
Z243.G7 C47 Industrial relations in the British printing industry : the quest for security / 1
Z243.G7 G46 1990 A history of the National Graphical Association / 1
Z243.G7 G46 1995 A history of the Society of Graphical and Allied Trades / 1
Z243.G7 G46x 1995eb A history of the Society of Graphical and Allied Trades 1