Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z242.T6 N4 A remonstrance of the directors of the Netherlands East India Company presented to the Lords States Generall of Vnited Provinces, in defence of the said companie, touching the bloudy proceedings against the English merchants executed at Amboyna : together with the acts of the processe against the sayd English, and the reply of the English East English Company to the said remonstrance and defence.
The New Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ,
200 decorative title-pages.
New additions unto yovths behaviovr 1650. Of some letters as also a discourse upon some innovations of habits and dressings; against powdering of hair, naked breasts, black-spots, and other unseemly customs.
Z242.T6 N47 1708 Corneli Nepotis excellentium imperatorum vitae 1
Z242.T6 N5 The idiot in four books. The first and second of wisdome. The third of the minde. The fourth of statick experiments, or experiments of the ballance. / 1
Z242.T6 O9 The xv. bookes of P. Ouidius Naso, entituled, Metamorphosis. a worke verie pleasant and delectable. / 1
Z242.T6 P4 A perfect diurnall of the passages in Parliament from the 13 of March to the 20. More exactly collected then any hath been heretofore, as ye shall find by the comparing, &c.
The peoples eccho to the Parliaments declarations, concerning a personall treaty with the King. Containing a collection of some few passages out of severall declarations and expresses of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament at Westminster, concerning a personall treaty with the King. Together with a humble enforcement of the equity and justice of the said expresses; humbly presented, not only to the review of the Honourable Parliament: but also to the serious consideration of the Lord Major, aldermen, and commons of London in Comon-Counsell assembled.
Lvthers fore-rvnners, or, A clovd of witnesses deposing for the Protestant faith, gathered together in the historie of the Waldenses, who for divers hundred yeares before Luther successively opposed popery, professed the truth of the Gospell, and sealed it with their bloud : being most grieuously persecuted and many thousands of them martyred by the tyrannie of that man of sinne, and his superstitious adherents and cruell instruments. : Diuided into three parts: The first concernes their originall beginning ... : The second containes the historie of the Waldenses called Albigenses : The third concerneth the doctrine and discipline which hath bene common amongst them, and the confutation of the doctrine of their aduersaries. : All which hath bene faithfully collected out of the authors named in the page following the preface /
Z242.T6 P45 Philosophicall epitaph in hierogliphicall figures with explanation A brief of ye golden calf (the worlds idoll) : Glauber's golden ass well managed : Jehior the principles or Originall of all things / 1
Z242.T6 P55 Anti-Coton, or, A refvtation of Cottons Letter Declaratorie : lately directed to the Queene Regent, for the apologizing of the iesuited doctrine, touching the killing of Kings : a booke, in which it is proued that the Iesuites are guiltie, ad were the authors of the late execrable parricide, committed vpon the person of the French King, Henry the fourth, of happie memorie : to which is added, A supplication of the Vniuersitie of Paris, for the preuenting of the Iesuites opening their Schooles among them : in which their King-killing doctrine is also notably dicouered, and confuted / 1
Z242.T6 P56 1698 Pindarou Olympia, Nemea, Pythia, Isthmia Pandari Olympia, Nemea, Pythia, Isthmia : una cum Latina omnium versione carmine lyrico / 1
Z242.T6 P6 The countrey farrier. Teaching divers and sundry approved medicines, to cure all sorts of cattle : as horse, kine, sheepe, hogs, and dogs. With directions how to find, or know, what the disease or infirmity is. Contrived into a little volume, for avoiding the charge of high-prised bookes. Very usefull and necessary for all country-farmers, and housholders; and generally, for all sorts of people. / 1
Z242.T6 P67 1681 L'amour regle. 1
Z242.T6 P7 The Vniversity of Oxfords plea refuted, or, A full answer to a late printed paper, intituled, The priviledges of the University of Oxford in point of visitation together with the univ. answer to the summons of the visitors. Manifesting the vanity and falsity of this pretended vniv. priviledge and plea to the visitors jurisdiction; that the right of visiting the Univ. of Oxford is only in the Kings Majestie, and that it is exempt from all other jurisdictions by its foundations, prescription, and severall grants of exemption. And insufficiencies of all the allegations and authorities produced to support it. /
The substance of a speech made in the House of Commons
A summary collection of the principal fundamental rights, liberties, proprieties of all English freemen; both in their persons, estates, and elections; and of the memorable votes, resolutions, and Acts of Parliament, for their vindication and corroboration, in the late Parliaments of 3 & 17 of King Charles; collected out of their Journals, and printed Ordinances. Most necessary to be known, considered, re-established (in this present juncture of publick affairs) with all possible old and new securities; against past, present, and future publick violations, under-minings, by force or fraud, for the much-desired healing of the manifold large mortal wounds in these chief vital parts, and repairing the various destructive subversive breaches in these prime foundations of our English state fabrick; without which no effectual present or future healing, union, peace, or settlement can possibly be expected, or established in our distracted nations. /
The Levellers levelled to the very ground. Wherein this dangerous seditious opinion and design of some of them; that it is necessary, decent, and expedient, now to reduce the House of Peeres, and bring down the Lords into the Commons House, to sit and vote together with them, as one House. And the false absurd, grounds whereon they build this paradox, are briefly examined, refuted, and laid in the dust. /
A seasonable, legall, and historicall vindication and chronologicall collection of the good, old, fundamentall, liberties, franchises, rights, laws of all English freemen (their best inheritance, birthright, security, against arbitrary, tyrannicall, and Egyptian burdens) and of their strenuous defence in all former ages; of late years most dangerously undermined, and almost totally subverted, under the specious disguise of their defence and future establishment, upon a sure basis, their pretended, greatest propugners. Wherein is irrefragably evinced by Parliamentary records, proofs, presidents, that we have such fundamentall liberties, ... that to attempt or effect the subversion of all or any of them, ... is high treason: ... /
Proposals concerning the chancery. Wherein is set forth the desires of divers well-affected-persons, for the regulating of the high-court of Chancery, and the proceedings there; and abolishing of several fees, offices and officers, thereunto belonging. Tendred to the consideration of the honourable committee for regulating courts of justice, and all others whom it may concern. And published to the view of the nation; whereby every well-meaning man to the publique may joyn, in all lawful wayes, for obteyning a just settlement and regulation of the said court. With a very useful table thereto annexed.
Z242.T6 P8 Songs in the new opera, call'd the World in the moon
Prynn against Prynn. Or, the answer of Will. Prynn, utter Barrester of Lincolnes Inne: to a pamphlet lately published by William Prynne Esq., a member of the House of Commons. Intituled A Briefe Memento to the present un-parliamentary Juncto, touching their present intentions and proceedings to depose and execute Charles Stuart, their lawfull King. Jan. 24. 1648. Imprimatur Theodore Jennings.
Z242.T6 R44 1667 Regorii Stanna[rd] theologiae doctoris et e ... Jusdem in academia marburgensi ordinarii professoris systematis regularum philosophicarum pars secunda in qua falsa principia philosophica socinianorum arminianorum et vveigelianorum destruuntur, acuera dextre explicantur. 1
Z242.T6 R6 The lawfulnes of obeying the present government
The robin-red-breast famous for singing every day on the top of Queen Mary's mausoleum erected in Westm.r Abbey. 1695.
A short discourse between monarchical and aristocratical government. Or a sober perswasive of all true-hearted Englishmen, to a willing conjunction with the Parliament of England in setting up the government of a common-wealth.
Z242.T6 R68 Rotterdamse tijdt-wyser dan alle de voornaemste deer-scheepen en treck-schuyten, en wagen-deeren in Hollandt en Zeelandt en voor alle fieysende luyden etc. 1
Z242.T6 S3 The cruell subtilty of ambition discovered in a discourse concerning the King of Spaines surprizing the Valteline / 1
Z242.T6 S35 1935 Samples : a book containing fine illustrations and fine pages from the books to be published by the Limited Editions Club in its sixth series / 1
Z242.T6 S4 L. & Mannaei Senecae tragoediae
An examination of the Seasonable and necessarie warning concerning present dangers and duties, emitted from the commissioners of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, unto all the members of that Kirk. June 25 1650.
Z242.T6 S48 2009 Courtiers and cannibals, angels and amazons : the art of the decorative cartographic titlepage / 1
Z242.T6 S5 The clear sun-shine of the gospel breaking forth upon the Indians in New-England, or, an historicall narration of Gods wonderfull workings upon sundry of the Indians both chief governors and common-people, in bringing them to a willing and desired submission to the ordinances of the gospel; and framing their hearts to an earnest enquirie after the knowledge of God the Father, and of Jesus Christ the Saviour of ye world /
Of the conversion of five thousand and nine hundred East-Indians in the isle Formosa, neere China, to the profession of the true God, in Jesus Christ; by meanes of M. Ro: Junius, a minister lately in Delph in Holland. /