Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z242 .T6 1596 The most profitable and commendable science of surueying of lands, tenements, and hereditaments: 1
Z242 .T6 1598 A martial conference pleasantly discoursed betweene two souldiers, the one Captaine Skil, trained vp in the French and Low Country seruices, the other Captaine Pill, only practised in Finsburie fields in the modern warres of the renowmed Duke of Shordich and the mightie Prince Arthur / 1
Z242 .T6 1599 A short dictionarie in Latine and English, verie profitable for yoong beginners. 1
Z242 .T6 1602 Le tierce part des reportes del Edward Coke lattorney generall le roigne de diuers resolutions & iudgements donnes auec graund deliberation, per les tresreuerend iudges, et sages de la ley, de cases & matters en ley, queux ne fueront vnques resolue, ou adiudges par deuant, & les raisons et causes des dits, resolutions, et iudgements, durant les tresheureux regiment de tresillustre & renomes roigne Elizabeth, le fountaine de tout iustice, et la vie de la ley. 1
Z242 .T6 1604 The supplication of certaine masse-priests falsely called Catholikes. Directed to the Kings most excellent Maiestie, now this time of Parliament, but scattered in corners, to mooue mal-contents to mutinie. Published with a marginall glosse, and an answer to the libellers reasons againe reuewed and augmented, and by sections applied to the seuerall parts of the supplicatory declamation. 1
Z242 .T6 1607 Meditations upon the hundred and sixteene Psalme very profitable for all Christians. With an application to the present times shewing the true vse of our late deliuerance. / 1
Z242 .T6 1615 The melancholy knight. 1
Z242 .T6 1622 Woe to drunkards a sermon / 1
Z242 .T6 1625 A sermon preached on Munday, the sixt of February, at Westminster at the opening of the Parliament. By the Bishop of S: Dauids. 1
Z242 .T6 1626 Pasquils mad-cappe, throwne at the corruptions of these times with his message to men of all estates. 1
Z242 .T6 1628 The art of stenography, or, Short-writing by spelling characterie 1
Z242.T6 1631 A continvation of the histories of forrein martyrs from the happy reigne of the most renowned Qu. Elizabeth, to these times : with sundry relations of those bloody massacres executed vpon the Protestants in the cities of France, in the yeare 1572 : wherevnto are annexed the two famous deliuerances of our English nation : the one from the Spanish inuasion, in 88 : the other, from the Gunpowder Treason, in 1605 : together with the barbarous cruelties exercised vpon the professors of the Gospell in the Valtoline, 1621. 1
Z242 .T6 1632 The new starr of the north, shining vpon the victorious King of Svveden 1
Z242 .T6 1645 The use of the rule of proportion in arithmetique and geometrie 1
Z242 .T6 1648 [A briefe vindication of three passages in the practical catechisme] [from the censures affixt on them by the ministers of London, in a book entituled, A testimony to the truth of Jesus Christ, &c. /
Records arithmetick: or, The ground of arts teaching the perfect work and practice of arithmetick, both in whole numbers and fractions, after a more easie and exact forme then in former time hath been set forth: made by M. Robert Record, D. in Physick. Afterwards, augmented by M. John Dee. And since enlarged with a third part of rules of practice, abridged into a briefer method then hitherto hath been published ... by John Mellis. And now diligently perused, corrected, illustrated and enlarged; with an appendix of figurate numbers ... and new tables of interest ... the first calculated by R.C. ... and the latter diligently calculated by Ro. Hartwell, Philomathemat.
Z242 .T6 1655 The British Gemm: or, An abstract of the Bible, digested into Cambrian metricall numbers, so methodically that one may quickly pass through the whole body of Scripture, & retain the substance thereof with much advantage to memory. Directions also, whereby any English gentleman, or other, may speedily learn to read the same, or any other tract in the British language. / 1
Z242 .T6 1662 The Bishop of VVorcester's letter to a friend for vindication of himself from Mr. Baxter's calumny. 1
Z242 .T6 1663 [Cor humiliatum & contritum] [a sermon preached at S. Pauls Church London, Nov. 29, 1663 / 1
Z242.T6 1680 A map of the North-Pole and the parts adioining 1
Z242 .T6 1685 The troubles of England. 1