Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z241.M25 S55 1988 The Türkenkalender (1454) attributed to Gutenberg and the Strasbourg lunation tracts 1
Z241 .S31 1493 VLT Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum cu[m] figuris et ymag[in]ibus ab inicio mu[n]di. 1
Z241.S31 S48 The Nuremberg chronicle : a pictorial world history from the creation to 1493; a monograph / 1
Z241.S31 S48 1950 [Leaf from the pirated Augsburg Latin edition of 1497, of the Nuremberg chronicle]
The Nuremberg chronicle : a pictorial world history from the creation to 1493; a monograph /
Z241.S37 W54 1976x The making of the Nuremberg chronicle / 1
Z241.S74 K6 Speculum humanae salvationis : ein niederländisches Blockbuch / 1
Z241.Z9 H96 1489a Fábulas de Esopo / 1
Z241.3.A1 C6 Colección de incunables americanos, siglo XVI. 1
Z241.3 .B661279 1928 Welmi piekna nowa kronika, a neb historia, wo welike milosti, kniežete a kraale Floria z Hispanij, a geho milee pānie Bianczeforze, wam znij welike potiessenie przigde Nakž srozumiete kterak welike zalijbenij Milost maa, s vtiessenymi ffigurami. 1
Z241.5 .L39 Principall super fine cards
Principall super fine large cards
Z242.C2 C4 Cancels / 1
Z242.C7 Scribal practice and the global cultures of Colophons, 1400-1800 Christopher D. Bahl,Stefan Hanß, editors 1
Z242 .C7 [Richard Jugge imprint from unidentifed work] 1
Z242.C7 1521 [Colophon] 1
Z242 .C7 1545 Natura breuium, nevvly and moost treuly corrected, vvyth dyuers additions of statutes boke cases, plees in abatements of the sayd wryttes and theyr declaration[n]s and barres to y[e] same added and put in theyr places moost conuenient. 1
Z242 .C7 1555 A profitable and necessarye doctryne with certayne homelies adioyned thervnto / 1
Z242 .C7 1567 [The eglogs of the poet B. Mantuan Carmelitan,] 1
Z242 .C7 1586 [The whole booke of Psalmes] 1
Z242.C7 .B37 1565 [Colophon of Jacob Bärwald] 1
Z242.C7 B4 [Colophon of Thomas Berthelet] 2