Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3521 Nuclear charge distributions and comparison with related experiments. 1
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3540 Dispersion relation for the process [Pi] + N -> [Pi']+[Pi"] +N' in approximation of a quiescent nucleon. (Dispersionnoye sootnosheniye dlia protsessa ... v priblizhenii pokoyashchegosia nuklona) / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3541 Tagged atom method of studying the biosynthesis of chlorophyll : (Metod mechenych atomov v izuchenii biosinteza chlorofilla) 1
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3586 On the analytical continuation of generalized functions / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3591 Hyperons and K-Mesons / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3602 Applied magneto-hydrodynamics. 1
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3620 Semi-homogeneous high-temperature gas-cooled breeder reactors / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3656 Research in the field of dosimetry of ionizing radiation : a collection of articles / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3660 A contribution to the study of nuclear fuels derived from metallic uranium / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3661/ Works of the All-Union Conference on medical radiology : experimental medical radiology. 1
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3687 Interest of the European countries in irradiation of fruits and vegetables / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3688 Tests on meat preservation through the combined action of aureomycin hydrochloride and gamma irradiation / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3690 Research on the effect of freezing meat before gamma radiation / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3691 Some aspects of the problem of packaging food products which have been sterilized by ionizing radiation / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3724 Thermoelectric properties of the noble metals and their alloys / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3729 Pathologic physiology of acute radiation sickness : (experimental materials on biological action of external ionizing radiations) / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3738/ Radiometric methods in the prospecting and exploration of uranium ores / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3739 Atomic energy and naval propulsion in 1958 and its development perspectives / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3740 Collected works on radiobiology / 1
Y 3.At 7:22/AEC-tr-3746 Radioactive contamination of fish in water containing strontium. 1