Call Number (LC) Title Results
W4910-17.12 Notice to importers 1
W4910-17.120 Bond for immediate delivery after examination and appraisal of merchandise cleared through parcel department 1
W4910-17.122 Setting aside and reserving space in front of captain of port building to be used solely and exclusively as passenger landing 1
W4910-17.123 Instructions to employees afflicted with trachoma 1
W4910-17.124 Providing that Manila Custom-House shall be open for transaction of business on Monday, Oct. 14, 1907, and that Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 15 and 16, shall be observed as holidays 1
W4910-17.125 Appointing board of engineers to report on condition of S.S. "Sacramento" 1
W4910-17.127 Providing that Appraisers' Division, Manila Custom House, shall be open on all working days excepting Saturdays until 5 o'clock p.m 1
W4910-17.128 Packages; transfer of from general order stores to parcel department, not permitted except on regular abstracts 1
W4910-17.129 Manila Custom House General Order No. 115; amending Paragraphs I and VIII 1
W4910-17.13 Discontinuing passports at Manila Customs House 1
W4910-17.130 Board of protests and appeals; appointing, Manila Custom House General Order No. 112 revoked 1
W4910-17.131 Office hours for Appraisers' Division, Manila Custom House; designating, and revoking General Order No. 127 1
W4910-17.132 Storage; fixing rates of, on all goods remaining in government warehouses or on customs premises, on all baggage left in customs custody at port of Manila, and on all unclaimed merchandise; Manila Custom-House General Orders Nos. 111 and 119 revoked 1
W4910-17.133 Copies of official documents, and general certificates; designating and empowering certain officials to furnish, and execute 1
W4910-17.134 Quarantine regulations 1
W4910-17.135 Quarantine regulations 1
W4910-17.136 Packages, transfer of, from general order stores to parcel department, not permitted except on regular abstracts 1
W4910-17.137 Protests and appeals; presentation of at port of Manila; Manila Custom House General Order No. 3, revoked 1
W4910-17.138 Quarantine regulations 1
W4910-17.139 Office hours for Manila Custom House, prescribing Manila Custom House General Order No. 118 revoked 1