Call Number (LC) Title Results
UCSU20/2.23/221/INTERNET Dry-land hybrid corn tests in 1943 / 1
UCSU20/2.23/224/INTERNET Report of bean fertilizer trials in 1943 in the Mack Community, Mesa County in cooperation with the Mesa County Research Committee 1
UCSU20/2.23/231/INTERNET Lamb feeding experiment 1943-44 utilizing feed in wartime : lamb fattening rations. 1
UCSU20/2.23/232/INTERNET Steer feeding experiment 1943-'44 utilizing feed in wartime, cattle fattening rations. 1
UCSU20/2.23/236/INTERNET Steer feeding experiment, Akron Colorado, 1943-1944 wintering, grazing, and fattening steers in eastern Colorado / 1
UCSU20/2.23/241/INTERNET Cull and split pinto beans for fattening pigs / 1
UCSU20/2.23/246/1944/INTERNET Steer feeding experiment, Windsor, Colorado Dec. 16, 1943 to April, 11 1944 a comparison of ammoniated dried beet pulp, urea, and alfalfa hay as sources of protein for fattening cattle. 1
UCSU20/2.23/253/INTERNET Report of potato fertilizer trials in 1944 in Mesa County in cooperation with the Mesa County Research Committee 1
UCSU20/2.23/263/INTERNET A survey of frozen food locker plants in Colorado 1
UCSU20/2.23/270/INTERNET The effect of minor elements on the yield and storage qualities of onions / 1
UCSU20/2.23/282/INTERNET Report on ground water for irrigation of Big Sandy Valley, Colorado 1
UCSU20/2.23/283/INTERNET Venison on the menu 1
UCSU20/2.23/286/INTERNET 1945 dry-land hybrid corn tests in Colorado / 1
UCSU20/2.24/INTERNET Special river bulletin 1
UCSU20/2.25/INTERNET Quarterly progress report of bentonite sealing investigations / 1
UCSU20/2.26/12/1902/INTERNET Potato failures / 1
UCSU20/2.26/13/1902/INTERNET The best time to cut alfalfa / 1
UCSU20/2.26/15/1902/INTERNET Seepage or return waters on the Uncompahgre River / 1
UCSU20/2.26/16/1903/INTERNET The prairie dog as a range pest : and methods of extermination / 1
UCSU20/2.26/17/1903/INTERNET Trials of macaroni wheat by dry farming : 1902 / 1