Call Number (LC) Title Results
UA649 .D46 1698 The Deplorable condition of the reduced and discharged men out of His Majesties several regiments of horse, foot and dragoons, that have served His Majesty in the reducing of Ireland, and in the wars in the low countries most humbly offered to the consideration of the Right Honourable the Lords spiritual and temporal, and the honourable the knights, citizens and burgesses in Parliament assembled. 2
UA649 .D69 2008 The British soldier of the First World War / 1
UA649 .D695 2009 The British soldier of the Second World War / 1
UA649 .E53 1626 Orders appointed by His most excellent Maiestie, and signified by speciall letters from the right honourable the lords of his most honourable Priuie Counsell, which all persons within this county, of what degree or qualitie soeuer, are straitly commanded to obserue. 1
UA649 .E54 1650 At a court of war, held at White-Hall Thursday the fourteenth of November, 1650.
Die Veneris, 18 October, 1650 ordered by the Parliament of England, that it be recommended to the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal of England to call to them the iudges of severall courts, ..
UA649 .E7 Truth seeks no corners, or, Advice from a non-interessed souldier to his loving fellow-souldiers that were under Fleetwood and Lambert. 2
UA649 .F52 1921 Cromwell's army : a history of the English soldier during the Civil Wars, the Commonwealth and the Protectorate / 1
UA649 .F84 2005 Military identities : the regimental system, the British Army, and the British people, c.1870-2000 / 1
UA649 .G54 Peninsular preparation : the reform of the British Army, 1795-1809. 1
UA649 .G683 2002 The British Army, the Gurkhas and Cold War strategy in the Far East, 1947-1954 / 1
UA649 .G89 1985 Oeconomy and discipline : officership and administration in the British army, 1714-63 / 1
UA649 .H29 The army in Victorian society / 1
UA649 .H29 2007eb The army in Victorian society / 1
UA649 .H34 The British army : a concise history / 1
UA649 .H35 1991 Regiments and corps of the British Army / 1
UA649 .H37 1975 The British army : a concise history / 1
UA649 .H38 1978 The army and the crowd in mid-Georgian England / 1
UA649 .H7 The military organization of Norman England / 1
UA649 (INTERNET) Tvvo speeches made in the House of Peeres, on Munday the 19th. of December, for, and against accomodation
Laws and ordinances of warre, extablished for the better conduct of the army by His Excellency the Earl of Essex, lord generall of the forces raised by the authority of the Parliament for the defence of king and kingdom : and now inlarged by command of His Excellency.
The banner of love, under which the Royal Army is preserved, and safely conducted being a clear and perfect way out of wars & contentions : with a short testimony unto the way of peace, given forth for the edification and comfort of all that truly fear God /
UA649 .J66 2012 From Boer War to World War : tactical reform of the British Army, 1902-1914 / 1