Call Number (LC) Title Results
TP986.A2 S59 1960 SPI plastics engineering handbook. 1
TP986.A2 .S635 2020 ANTEC 2020 : Proceedings of the Technical Conference & Exhibition Virtual Edition March 30th to May 5 2020 / 1
TP986.A2 .S635 2021 ANTEC 2021 : Proceedings of the Technical Conference & Exhibition Virtual Edition May 5th to May 21 2021 / 1
TP986.A2 W35 Plastic horizons / 1
TP986.A2 W5 Plastics: theory and practice : the technology of high polymers / 1
TP986.B3 M8 The story of bakelite / 1
TP986.C5 B65 Das celluloid und seine ersatzstoffe : handbuch für herstellung und verarbeitung von celluloid und seinen ersatzstoffen / 1
TP986 .E6 L4 Epoxy resins : their applications and technology / 1
TP986.E6 M544 Further studies of epoxy bonding compounds / 1
TP986.E6 S52 Epoxy resins / 1
TP986.G8 G6 Phenolic resins. 1
TP986.G8 T48 Gum plastics. 1
TP986.P4 C3 Phenoplasts, their structure, properties, and chemical technology. 1
TP986.P56 B4 Linear polyethylene and polypropylene: problems and opportunities : a report for businessmen / 1
TP986.P56 R24 Crystalline olefin polymers / 1
TP986.P56 R4 1960 Polythene : the technology and uses of ethylene polymers / 1
TP986.P56 T63 Polyolefines / 1
TP986.V48 S55 Vinyl resins. 1
TP986.5.A2 A5 Plastic sheet forming : materials and methods for packaging and industry. 1
TP987 .P76 A profitable booke declaring dyuers approoued remedies, to take out spottes and staines, in silkes, veluets, linnnen [sic] and woollen clothes. With diuers colours how to die velvets and silkes, linnen and woollen, fustian and threade. Also to dresse leather, and to colour felles. How to gylde, graue, sowder and vernishe. And to harden and make softe yron and steele. : Very necessarie to all men, speciallye for those which hath or shall haue any doinges therein: with a perfite table herevnto, to fynde all thinges readye, not the like reuealde in English heretofore. / 1