Call Number (LC) Title Results
TD 2.30:98-171 Guide to developing performance-related specifications for PCC pavements.
Guide to developing performance-related specifications for PCC pavements
TD 2.30:98-172 Joint sawing guidelines the window of opportunity. 1
TD 2.30:98-174 Calcium magnesium acetate at lower production cost production of CMA deicer from cheese whey : publication no. FHWA-RD-98-174. 1
TD 2.30:98-176 Corrosion evaluation of epoxy-coated, metallic-clad, and solid metallic reinforcing bars in concrete publication no. FHWA-RD-98-153. 1
TD 2.30:98-185 Full-coverage collision warning human factors research needs. 1
TD 2.30:98-186 Advanced traveler information system capabilities human factors research needs. 1
TD 2.30:98-187 Integrated capabilities in heavy vehicles human factors research needs. 1
TD 2.30:98-188 Integrated ITS capabilities in transit vehicles human factors research needs. 1
TD 2.30:98-189 Rehabilitation of prestressed concrete bridge components by non-electrical (conventional) methods 1
TD 2.30:98-190 Rehabilitation of prestressed concrete bridge components by conventional methods 1
TD 2.30:98-191 Pipe interaction with the backfill envelope 1
TD 2.30:98-194 Basic collision warning and driver information systems human factors research needs / 1
TD 2.30:99-019 Federal Highway Administration research and technology program highlights 1
TD 2.30:99-034 A comparative analysis of bicycle lanes versus wide curb lanes final report.
A comparative analysis of bicycle lanes versus wide curb lanes : final report /
TD 2.30:99-035 Bicycle lanes versus wide curb lanes operational and safety findings and countermeasure recommendations. 1
TD 2.30:99-037 Assessment of LTPP friction data
Assessment of LTPP friction data /
TD 2.30:99-041 Development of a tire/pavement contact-stress model based on artificial neural networks 1
TD 2.30:99-045 Older driver highway design handbook recommendations and guidelines. 1
TD 2.30:99-051 DataPave user-friendly access to LTPP data. 1
TD 2.30:99-052 Expert systems for crash data collection publication no. FHWA-RD-99-052. 1